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. .. 人民政府办公厅 General Office, the People’s Government of XX Province 二、省政府组成部门 发展计划委员会 Development Planning Commission XX粮食局Grain Administration 经济贸易委员会 Economic and Trade CommissionXX省国防科学技术工业办公室,内设XX省安全生产监督管理局 Office of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense, Bureau of Work Safety 教育厅 Department of Education 科学技术厅 Department of Science and Technology 民族宗教事务委员会 Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission 公安厅 Department of Public Security 国家安全厅 Department of State Security 监察厅 Department of Supervision 民政厅 Department of Civil Affairs 司法厅 Department of Justice 财政厅 Department of Finance 人事厅 Department of Personnel 机构编制委员会办公室Office of Government Set-up Committee 劳动与社会保障厅 Department of Labor and Social Security 国土资源厅 Department of Land and Resources 建设厅 Department of Construction 交通厅 Department of Communications 信息产业厅 Department of Information Industry 水利厅 Department of Water Resources 农业厅 Department of Agriculture 对外经济贸易合作厅 Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 文化厅 Department of Culture 卫生厅 Department of Health 计划生育委员会 Family Planning Commission 审计厅 Audit Office 省政府直属机构 地方税务局 Administration of Local Taxation 环境保护局 Environmental Protection Bureau 广播电影电视局 Administration of Radio, Film and Television 体育局 Administration of Sports 体育总会Sports Federation 统计局 Statistics Bureau XX省物价局 Price Control Administration of XX Province XX省工商行政管理局 Administration of Industry and Commerce of XX Province XX省新闻出版局 Administration of Press and Publication of XX Province XX省版权局 Copyright Bureau of XX Province XX省林业局 Forestry Administration of XX Province XX省海洋与渔业局 Administration of Ocean and Fisheries of XX Province XX省质量技术监督局 Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of XX Province XX省药品监督管理局 Drug Administration of XX Province XX省知识产权局 Intellectual Property Office of XX Province XX省旅游局 Tourism Administration of XX Province XX省人民政府法制办公室 Legislative Affairs Office,the People’s Government of XX Province XX省人民政府外事办公室 Foreign Af


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