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中国动画的版权保护与发展前景 Animation Protection its Development Prospect in China 三辰卡通集团 董事长 孙文华 Sun Wenhua Chairman Sunchime Cartoon Group 动画产业被公认为朝阳产业 Animation industry is sunrise industry 在中国动画产业被公认为朝阳产业。但是如果缺乏完善有力的版权保护,那么朝阳产业也只是“水中捞月”产业 Animation industry is regarded as sunrise industry, but without copyright protection, this sunrise industry would became mirage industry 发展中国家版权保护经历的三个阶段 Three important phases of copyright protection in developing countries 第一阶段:版权价值观念形成阶段 At the first phase, the consciousness of copyright protection is raised 第二阶段:立法体制完善阶段 At the second phase, the copyright protection is legislated 第三阶段:严格执法阶段 At the third phase, the copyright protection law is strictly executed 我们进入了一个新的版权保护时期 We are entering into the new period of copyright protection 在过去,版权保护迫于外部压力而被迫行动 In the past, the copyright protection was put into action under the pressure from outside 第二阶段则转变为从国家自身经济发展需求出发的主动行为 Now it becomes initiative action for the sake of national economic development. 动画产业是文化创意产业的重要组成部分 Animation is an important part of culture creative industry. 我们的政府已采取一系列的措施来推动版权保护,最近国务院下发了《关于推动我国动漫产业若干意见的通知 》 Our government has adopted a series of measures to improve the copyright protection. Recently, the State Council issued the document on “The announcement of opinions on promoting the development of National Animation Industry”. 我们认为政府文化产业导向可以总结为十句话 We may sum up the culture industry policy of the government as following sentences 搭建平台 Set up platform 培育集群 create production cluster 激励人才 encourage talents 聚焦原创 focus on original production 保护版权 copyright protection 扶植品牌 establish brand 适量进口 import reasonable animation programs 鼓励出口 stimulate national animation export 财政支持 financial support 税收减免 tax deduction and incentive 我们对文化创意产业的定义 The definition of creative culture industry 我们认为在界定文化创意产业概念时,尤其是在中国大力推进文化创意产业发展的过程中,需要强调融入三个要素:版权保护、经济组织和社会效益 In our opinion, three elements of copyright protection, economic organization, and s


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