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南京信息专业技术学院 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 南京信息职业技术学院 2012-2013学年第二学期 《民商法》 期末考试论文 姓名 刘人敬 学号 37 专业 电子商务 班级 61111P 题目 如何增强大学生消费者权益保护 评阅成绩 如何增强大学生消费者权益保护 摘要:所谓消费者权益,是指消费者依法享有的权利及该权利受到保护时给消费者带来的应得利益,其核心是消费者的权利。而消费者权利——消费者为进行生活消费应该安全如公平地获得基本的食物、衣物、住宅医疗和 HYPERLINK / \t _blank 教育的权利等,实质即以生存权为主的基本人权。保护消费者是发展市场经济的基本任务,是市场经济发展规律的要求,也是引导市场经济发展方向的需要。切实保护消费者,既是维护社会主义市场经济秩序的需要,又是促进社会和谐的重要方面。随着社会经济的发展和收入水平的提高,消费需求日益增长,为保护消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,有效地促进市场经济的健康发展,消费者权益保护问题逐渐成为广大老百姓和政府关注的重要问题之一。而当代大学生正属于社会消费者群体中的弱势群体,在当前形势下,大学生消费维权问题应给以足够的重视与合理的引导,使青年学生能够很好地实现从学生到社会一员的角色转变,懂得如何保护自己的合法权益。 关键词:大学生 消费者 权益保护 Title : How to improve college students consumer rights and interests protection Abstract: The so-called consumer rights and interests, is refers to the consumer rights and the right to be protected, brought to consumer interests, the core of the rights of consumers.But consumer rights -- consumer spending for the conduct of life should be as safe as equitable access to basic food, clothing, housing and medical education rights, the substance that is right to subsistence fundamental human rights primarily.Consumer protection is the basic task of the development of market economy, is the requirement of market economy development, but also to guide the direction of market economy development needs.To protect consumers, since the maintenance of the socialist market economic order, and to promote harmonious society is important.Along with the social economy development and income level rise, the growing consumer demand, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, to maintain social and economic order, effectively promote the healthy development of market economy, the consumer rights and interests protection problem has gradually become a vast number of people and government attention to


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