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* War and Peace blood, deaths, misery, tears… In the movie, the battle happened in the second world war, and it’s about a landing. answer the following questions: What’s the name of the battle? Where did the landing happen? In North France On the beach of the English Channel The D-day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy 按   诺曼底登陆战役,这次作战行动的代号“霸王行动”. 是20世纪最大的登陆战役,也是战争史上最有影响的登陆战役之一。它的成功使得接近三百万英国士兵渡过海峡,加速了二战的结束. Map of D-Day Landings English Channel Great Britain France Omaha Fance is invaded(侵略) and occupied (占领)by Germany A long time has passed… The traces(追踪,痕迹) of the war here are fading away(褪色)… wreckage memorial cemetery On 6 June 2004 It is the 60th anniversay(纪念日) of D-Day landing Who are they? Why did they come here? Survivors of the D-Day Landings To remember their lost comrades Where are the cemetery and memorial? How many graves of Americans who died does the cemetery contain? They are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel. 9,386 How many names of the men who were never found does the memorial contain? More than 1500 What on earth were the D-Day Landings like? The time goes back to the year of 1939… In1939, Germany invaded Poland. Then Britain declared war on Germany… The Second World War utterly broke out... During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France… What’s the code name of the D-Day Landings? It was called ______________. Operation Overlord Some related details countries Result Troops Reason Place Date 1944 Normandy, France Germany occupied many countries, including France The USA, Britain, Canada 5,000 ships carrying 130,000 troops successful Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and confusion but ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism. Read the last paragraph and finish the tasks. ______ _________ a situation with a lot of noise and action and difficult to control Why did the writer describe Operation Overlord as a story of danger and confusion? da



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