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【摘要】目的:分析我院剖宫产原因,降低剖宫产 率。方法:对2866例剖宫产病例进行回顾性分析。结果: 农村产妇的剖宫产率明显低于城市。其原因如下:1、农村 的经济条件限制。2、营养状况低于城镇,巨大儿的出生率 偏低2个百分点。3、农村产妇的活动量大于城市。故妊娠 并发症、胎位异常的发生低于城市产妇。也表明,产妇的适 当活动有助于胎儿的成长与孕妇的健康。结论:就剖宫产构 成比以社会因素为最高达25%左右;其次因胎儿窘迫、头盆 不称与瘢痕子宫为指征的各占15%上下;胎位异常、妊娠期 合并症和羊水过少等因素均在10%以下。要想降低以社会因 素为原因的剖宫产率,同时也可降低瘢痕子宫为指征的剖宫 产率。就应共同关注及重视剖宫产率上升,做好健康教育, 做好医孕沟通,提高阴道助产技术,提高产程观察、处理能 力,增强产程观察责任感。
【中图分类号】R714.4【文献标识码】A【文章编号】 1004-7484 (2014) 01-0372-02
[Abstract】 objectives: analyzes the hospital cesarean delivery reason, reduce the rate of cesarean delivery. Methods: 2866 cases of cesarean section were analyzed .Results: rural cesarean delivery rate lower
than the city. The reasons are as follows: 1, rural economic conditions? 2, Nutritional status is lower than the town, Macrosomia low birth rate of 2% . 3, rural women? s activity is greater than the city. The occurrenee of pregnancy complications and abnormal position is lower than the urban. Also shows that appropriate activities cont rib ute to the growth of the fetus and in maternal health .Conclusion: Cesarean section strueture than to the social factors for up to 25% ; Secondly Because of fetal dis tress cephalopelvic disproportion and scarred uterus indications to around 15%; factors such as abnormal position, pregnancy complications and oligohydramnio were below 10%. To reduce the social factors as th indication of cesarean section rate, also can reduce the scar uterus for indications of cesarean section rate. Should be mutual concern and attention in the cesarean delivery rate, do a good job in health education, communicate with the medical pregnant , improve vaginal midwifery technology , the ability of handling labor and responsibility.
【keyword]cesarean delivery; reason; social factors 近年来,有关资料表明,剖宫产率有逐年增高的趋势。
本文通过分析发现城乡有一定差别,现就近几年我院城乡产 妇剖宫产情况,总结分析如下:
1. 1研究对象安徽省阜阳市第五人民医院妇产科于 2009年1月1日至2012年12月31日期间住院的产妇。其 中城市居民1072例,农村户口 4291例。1胎2750例,2胎 1411例,3胎126例,4胎及以上4例。剖宫产2166例, 占40.4 % o城市产妇剖宫产353例占32. 9%,农村产妇为