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28 3 Vol. 28, No . 3 2007 9 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T ec nology Sept. 2007 : 1008-1542( 2007) 03-0218- 04 刘 真, 卢义和, 宫素芝, 李春静, 詹 利, 韩振藏, 刘 佳 ( 河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院, 河北石家庄 050018) : 以含十八碳不饱和脂肪酸的混酸为原 , 以单元镍为催化剂, 研究了不同温度下, 混合不饱 和脂肪酸氢化后产品性能的变化; 重点研究了在不同操作时间或压力下, 碘值凝固点随操作温度 的变化趋势, 确定操作压力为0. 4 MPa, 操作时间为1. 0 , 得出了温度-碘值和温度-凝固点的回归 曲线及公式, 计算得出最佳操作温度为190 e : 混合脂肪酸; 油酸; 碘值; 凝固点; 操作温度 : T Q645. 6 : A Influence of temperature on ydrogenation of mixed unsaturated fatty acid LIU Z en, LU Y-i e, GONG Su-z i, LI C un-jing, ZHAN Li, HAN Z en-cang, LIU Jia ( College of C emical and P armaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Tec nology , S ijiaz uang H ebei 050018, C ina) Mixed unsaturated fatty acid w ic mainly contains C w ere ydrogenated w it t e Ni unitary as t e catalyst under Abstract: 18 different temperature.T e focus is laid on t e t rend of t e iodine value and freezing point w ic c ange w it t e service temper- ature at various points of time or pressures. T en t e adopted service pressure and time w ere found to be 0.4 MPa and 1.0 . And t e t ropic and formula of iodine value-temperature and freezing point-temperature were obtained. T e best service temper- ature w as calculated to be 190 e . Key words: mixed fatty acid; oleic acid; iodine value; freezing point; service temperature , , [ 1~ 5] , , [ 6] 85% ( ) , [ 6, 7] , , [ 8] , 1897 , [ 9] Sabatier Senderens


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