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!! R sourc D v lopm nt Mark t 2010 26( 8) 1 1, 2 1 苏章全, 吴映梅 , 明庆忠 ( 1. , 650092; 2. , 100101) : , , , , , : ; ; : F0621 : A : 1005- 8141( 2010) 08- 0720- 04 Comprehensive Evaluation of Resources- environment Supportability in Central Yunnan Urban Economic Circle 1 1, 2 1 SU Zhang- quan , WU Ying- m i , MING Qing- zhong ( 1. Coll g of Tourism and G ography, Yunnan Normal Univ rsity, Kunming 650092, China; 2. Institut of G ographic Sci nc s and Natural R sourc s R s arch, CAS B ijing 100101, China) Abstract: C ntral Yunnan Urban Economic Circl was a priority d v lopm nt zon in Yunnan Provinc . Th conflict b tw n its socio - conomic d v lopm nt and nvironm nt- r sourc s b cam incr asingly promin nt, sci ntific valuat th r sourc s- nvironm nt foundation of C n tral Yunnan Urban Economic Circl was th obj ctiv according to constitut its d v lopm nt strat gi s. This pap r int nd d to ov rcom th shortag of traditional r sourc s nvironm nt singl - factor valuation m thod, and from th r sourc s nvironm nt multi- factor p rsp ctiv to compr h n siv valuat th r sourc s nvironm nt supportability of C ntral Yunnan Urban Economic Circl , and th n d finitud d th advantag s and disadvan tag s of th r sourc s- nvironm nt syst m. At last, off r d th sustainabl d v lopm nt prot ction count rm asur for C ntral Yunnan Urban Econom ic Circl . Key words: C ntral Yunnan Urban Economic Circl ; r sourc s nvironm nt supportability; compr h nsiv valuation , , 20 80 [ 1] ,


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