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28 4 Vol. 28, No .4 2007 12 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T ec nology Dec. 2007 : 1008-1542( 2007) 04-306- 04 王继芝, 王未肖, 高磊红, 李景印 ( 河北科技大学理学院, 河北石家庄 050018) : 以虾蟹等动物甲壳为原料, 通过新的实验方法和 艺制备水溶性壳聚糖衍生物) ) ) 羧甲 基壳聚糖, 并以此为主剂, 以阿拉伯胶等为助剂制成不同性质的复合保鲜剂, 配以不同浓度的复合 保鲜剂水溶液喷涂于牛奶葡萄表面, 于0~ 0. 5 e 的冷库内存放进行保鲜实验结果表明: 保鲜过 的葡萄基本上保持了原有的色香味; 葡萄梗仍为绿色, 无霉变储存 180 d 后, 牛奶葡萄失水率 为1. 56%, 脱粒率为2. 1% 可滴定酸含量为0. 3% ( 质量分数) , 100 g 样品中VC 含量为 1. 59 mg, 还原糖含量为14. 1% ( 质量分数) 该保鲜剂中的羧甲基壳聚糖和阿拉伯胶均来源于天然生 物, 具有食品安全性, 无污染, 符合5绿色食用葡萄标准6 : 牛奶葡萄; 羧甲基壳聚糖; 阿拉伯胶; 失水率; VC; 还原糖 : T S202. 3 : A Study of keeping milk grape fres by using carboxymet yl c itosan in storage WANG J-i z i, WANG We-i xiao, GAO Lei- ong, LI Jing-yin ( College of Sciences, H ebei University of Science and Tec nology , S ijiaz uang H ebei 050018, C ina) Abstract: A new met od for preparing a water soluble derivation of c itosan, named as carboxymet yl c it osan, f rom c itosan in s rimp or crab w as studied in t is paper. Compound preservations w ere made w it carboxymet ylc itosan as main reagent and gum Arabic as auxiliary. Different concentration w ater solution of t e compound preservations were sprinkle or spread on t e surface of t e milk grapes , and t en t e grapes w ere preserved at 0~ 0. 5 e . T e results s ow ed t at t e grape preserved wit compound mat erial mainly kept it s original color, f ragrant, tast e, and t e stalk remained green after 180 days. T e loss rate of w ater is 1. 56 % , t e rate of t res ing is only 2. 1% , t e concentration of t e tit ratable acid is 0. 3% , t e vitam in C is 1. 59 mg/ 100 g and t e reducing suguar is about 14. 1% . Carboxymet yl c itosan and gum Arabic come from natrual organism, so t e self-mad


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