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第00卷 第000期 电测与仪表 Vol.00 No.000 0000年 第00期 Electrical Measurement Instrumentation Mmm.0000 4 - 1 - MACROBUTTON MTEditEquationSection2 SEQ MTEqn \r \h \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTSec \r 1 \h \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTChap \r 1 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 基于瞬时无功理论的单相无功功率相关定义 高宇澄,赵伟,黄松岭 (清华大学电机系 电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 100084) 摘要:1983年Akagi提出的瞬时无功理论具有计算量小、瞬时性好等优点,但不能直接应用于单相电路的分析。一些学者借鉴瞬时无功理论,通过α?β变换将电压、电流信号映射至二维空间的思路,提出了多种定义单相电路瞬时无功功率量值的理论。本文试对这一类单相瞬时无功功率定义多年来的研究成果加以综述。具体地,将整理广义瞬时功率理论、无功电流理论、瞬时无功密度理论这三类有关单相电路瞬时无功功率的定义,并介绍瞬时无功功率理论在测量基波无功、谐波电流以及控制锁相环电路方面的应用。最后,试分析现有单相瞬时无功功率理论的局限性。 关键词:无功功率;瞬时无功功率理论;瞬时功率;功率测量;单相电路 中图分类号:TM930 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1390(2016)20-0000-00 Reactive power definitions in single-phase circuits based on instantaneous reactive power theory Gao Yucheng, Zhao Wei, Huang Songling (State Key Laboratory of Power System, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract:Presented by Akagi and coauthors in 1983, instantaneous reactive power theory (IRP theory) features low computational complexity and fast dynamic responsegood instantaneity, but it is not directly applicable to single-phase circuits. Scholars have been developing developed new approaches to define reactive power in single-phase circuits by utilizing the idea of IRP theory, thusi.e., mapping the voltage and current signals to a two-dimensional space with α?β transformation. This paper presents an overview of the reactive power definitions in single-phase circuits that are particularly based on IRP theory. Specifically, 3 types of definition definitions are summarized as follows: : generalized instantaneous reactive power theory, reactive current theory, and instantaneous reactive power density theory, as well as introduces the application of instantaneous reactive power theory on measuring fundamental reactive power, harmonic current, and controlling the phase-locked loop


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