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目 录 COntEnT 故 事 Fable 少偷一点 Why can’t I 行不行 4 Steal Less? 4 故事探索 Exploring the Fable 你知道吗? 22 Did you know that? 22 想一想 24 Think about it 24 自己动手! 26 Do it yourself! 26 教师与家长指南 Teachers’ and Parents’ Guide Academic 学科知识 27 Knowledge 27 Emotional 情感智慧 28 Intelligence 28 思維拓展 29 Systems: Making the Connections 29 动手能力 29 Capacity to Implement 29 艺术 30 Arts 30 译者的话 30 Words of Translator... 30 This fable is 故事灵感来自 31 inspired by 31 约翰来到教堂,向神父忏悔,说他一直 在偷东西。 J ohn goes to church and confesses to the priest that he has been stealing. 44 约翰 John 55 不能,我的孩子 No, my son 66 “不过,”男孩接着说,“如果我保证, 从现在开始少偷一点,能变成一个好孩子 吗?” “不能,我的孩子。”神父回答道,“少 偷一点是不够的。你想要被当作好孩子看 待,就必须再也不偷了。” ‘But,” continues the boy, “If I promise that from now on, I will steal less, will that make me a good boy?” “No, my son,” responds the priest, “stealing less is not good enough. You must never ever steal again to be even considered as a good boy!” 77 约翰低下头,胆怯地解释说:“我一直 在偷,有很长时间了,我怕没办法马上做到 不再偷了……但是,我可以试试,比如说把 偷东西的时间减少一半……” John looks down and explains timidly: “I have been steal



