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4 5 Vol14 No15 2007 10 JOURNAL OF RAILWAY SCIENCEAND ENGINEERING Oct. 2007 ¹ 1 2 2 , , ( 1. 湖南省交通规划勘察设计院, 湖南长沙410011; 2. 中南大学 土木建筑学院, 湖南长沙410075) : 广东佛山平胜大桥为我国 座混合梁自锚式悬索桥, 钢混接合段是该桥设计的关键技术之一为确保该桥钢混接 合段连接的安全可靠, 设计了3 种不同结构形式的接合段接头模型, 对3 种接头模型进行了空间有限元分析和对比模型试 验结果表明: 钢混接合段刚度的匀顺过渡可减小应力集中, 使传力顺畅; 平胜桥钢混接合段设计中对接合面处钢箱梁段 作局部加强, 对混凝土梁段设置刚度过渡, 即采用与本文模型3 类似的结构形式比较合理, 接合段有足够的承载力; 平胜桥 钢混接合段采用PBL 键连接或采用栓钉连接都是可行的 : 混合梁; 钢混接合段; 自锚式悬索桥 :U448. 25 : A : 1672- 7029( 2007) 05- 0028- 07 Experimental st dy of different str ct re forms of steel- concrete joint section of hybrid self- anchored s spension bridge 1 2 2 HU Jian-hua , HOU W n-qi , HUANG Qiong ( 1. Hunan Provincial Communications Planning, Surv y D sign Institut , Changsha 410011, China; 2. School of Civil and Archit ctural Engin ring, C ntral South Univ rsity, Changsha 410075, China) Abstract : Guangdong Foshan Pingsh ng Bridg ( PSB) was th first s lf- anchor d bridg with hybrid gird r in our country. Th st l- concr t joint s ction was on of th k y t chniqu s for th d sign of th bridg . In ord r to n- sur th saf ty of th st l- concr t joint s ction of PSB, 3 joint mod ls for th joint s ction with diff r nt structural forms w r put forward, and 3D FEM analysis and contrastabl mod l xp rim nts w r carri d out for th 3 mod ls. Th r sults show that v n transition of rigid for th joint s ction can minish th str ss conc ntration and mak th forc transf r smoothly; in th d sign of th st l- concr t joint s ction of PSB, it is comparativ r asonabl


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