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HVDC 系统中性母线对地电容参数研究
1 2
杨汾艳 ,徐 政
1. 广东电网公司电力科学研究院,广州510600 2. 浙江大学电气工程学院,杭州310027
Research on the neutral bus capacitor for HVDC systems
1 2
YANG Fenyan ,XU Zheng
1. Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation ,Guangzhou 510600, 2. College of
Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027
ABSTRACT: The filtering devices at DC side are one of the 流滤波装置的主要组成部分,但由于装设在直流回
most important components for high voltage DC transmission 路的高压母线上,承受的电压等级决定了直流滤波
(HVDC) systems. The neutral bus capacitor, one of the filtering 器的造价很高。而装设于低压母线的中性母线对地
devices, is studied in this paper. The significance of applying the
neutral bus capacitor for HVDC systems is discussed first. In the
next section, with the method of finite enumeration used, the
trend that the filtering effect at DC side varies with the neutral 进行了初步研究。文献[2]提出一种平波滤波网络的
bus capacitance is revealed by computation and analysis. The 概念,对平波电抗器和滤波器进行了综合优化设计,
theoretical foundation for determining the neutral bus 其目标是使滤波网络的年费用最低。文献[3, 4]等继
capacitance of HVDC systems is consequently provided. The 承了文献[2]中的滤波装置优化思想,采用不同的优
equivalent disturbing current Ieq is adopted as the index for 化算法,通过系统数学建模,对直流滤波装置进行
measuring the filtering effect at DC side.
了综合寻优。但另一方面,在文献[1, 5]中指出,平
KEY WORD: HVDC; DC filtering; the neutral bus 波电抗器的参数并不会为满足滤波要求而专门设
capacitor ;3-pulse converter 定;而上述文献在进行优化设计时,也没有考虑中