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Bacteriophages can transfer (transduce) DNA from one bacterial cell to another. During generalized transduction, random chromo-some fragments are incorporated into the heads of phages and transferred to other cells by infection. During specialized transduction, specific genes near the phage-integration sites on the bacterial chromosome are mistakenly incorporated into the phage genome and transferred to other cells by infection. DNA from the medium can enter a bacterial cell and integrate into the chromosome, thereby transforming the genotype. The different methods of gene transfer in bacteria generate partial diploids that permit the study of recombination and gene interaction. 9.1 Bacterial Mutation and Growth Genetic 9.2 Recombination in Bacteria: Conjugation 9.3 Rec Proteins and Bacterial Recombination 9.4 F Factors and Plasmids 9.5 Bacterial Transformation 9.6 The Genetic Study of Bacteriophages Phage T4: Structure and Life Cycle The Plaque Assay, Lysogeny 9.7 Transduction: Virus-Mediated Bacterial . DNA Transfer The Lederberg-Zinder Experiment The Nature of Transduction Transduction and Mapping 9.8 Intergenic Recombination and Mapping in Bacteriophages Bacterial Phenotypes 9.1 Bacterial Mutation and Growth Deduce the genotypes of the following four E. coli strains: Cells grown in liquid medium can be quantified by transferring them to semisolid medium in a Petri dish 9.2 Genetic Recombination in Bacteria: Conjugation Lederberg and Tatum 1946 coli K12. Strain A required methionine and biotin in order to grow, while strain Strain B required threonine, leucine, and thiamine (Figure 9-3). Neither strain would grow on minimal medium. The two strains were first grown separately in supplemented media, and cells from both were mixed and grown together for several more generations and then plated on minimal medium. Any bacterial cells that grew on minimal medium were prototrophs. highly improbable spontaneous mutation at two or three F


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