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孤立性肺结节 CT、PET-CT良恶性鉴别诊断 Solitary pulmonary nodule: benign versus malignant Differentiation with CT and PET-CT Ann Leung and Robin Smithuis 原文地址:http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/460f9fcd50637 孤立性肺结节的鉴别诊断,在临床中经常遇到。根据结节的良恶性差异,处理方法有很大差别。 在这篇文章中,我们主要探讨CT和PET-CT的相关征象在孤立性肺结节良恶性鉴别诊断中的意义。 The differential diagnosis of a solitary pulmonary nodule is broad and management depends on whether the lesion is benign or malignant. In this overview we will discuss some of the new features that can help to differentiate between benign and malignant nodules based upon CT and PET-CT findings 目录(contents) CT征象 钙化 大小 生长速度 形状 边界 充气支气管征 实性和磨玻璃成分 强化特征 PET-CT征象 结论 CT: benign versus malignant Calcification Size Growth Shape Margin Air Bronchogram sign Solid and Ground-glass components Contrast enhancement PET-CT: benign versus malignant Conclusion 钙化 良性钙化征象: 弥漫性 中心性 层状 爆米花样 弥漫性、中心性、层状及爆米花样钙化多见于良性结节。主要见于肉芽肿性疾病和错构瘤。 其他类型钙化多见于恶性结节,不应该认为属于良性表现。 在已知有原发肿瘤存在的情况下,其钙化类型不一定适用此结论。例如:骨肉瘤或软骨肉瘤的病人,其钙化多表现为弥漫性;同样的,中心性和爆米花样钙化也可见于胃肠道肿瘤或接受过化疗的病人。 Calcification Diffuse, central, laminated or popcorn calcifications are benign patterns of calcification. These types of calcification are seen in granulomatous disease and hamartomas. All other patterns of calcification should not be regarded as a sign of benignity. The exception to the rule above is when patients are known to have a primary tumor. For instance the diffuse calcification pattern can be seen in patients with osteosarcoma or chondrosarcoma. Similarly the central and popcorn pattern can be seen in patients with GI-tumors and patients who previously had chemotherapy. 结节大小 结节大小与恶性可能性之间的关系 孤立性肺结节(SPN)定义:肺实质内小于等于3cm的病灶(需除外肺不张和肿大的淋巴结)。大于3cm的病灶称为肿块(mass)。 之所以这样定义,是因为大于3cm的病灶多为恶性,而更小的病灶可能是良心或恶性。 Swensen. et al 研究了SPN大小与恶性可能性之间的关系(上图),结论是小的结节,良性可能性大。超过2000例小于4mm的结节,无一例属于恶性。 Size A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is defined as a single intraparenchymal l


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