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中文摘要 過往之研究指出,參與休閒活動可以獲致休閒效益,並且進而引發幸福感之 感受。衡諸過往之文獻,迄今略乏認真性休閒對於休閒效益與幸福感影響效果之 系統性驗證。爰此,本文主要目的在於藉由社會資本與遊憩專門化角色之融入, 釐清認真性休閒對於遊憩效益與幸福感之影響效果。本文依據相關之文獻與理論 基礎,建立本文之理論架構與對應之假設。本文選取國際標準舞蹈活動之參與者 做為本文之研究對象,運用結構方程模式進行假設之驗證,藉此提供認真性休閒 對於休閒效益與幸福感影響效果之深入闡釋,以及社會資本與遊憩專門化二者, 對於前述關係中介效果之實證證據。 關鍵詞:認真性休閒、社會資本、遊憩專門化、休閒效益、幸福感 Abstract Leisure benefits and wellbeing can be achieved for participants by participating in leisure activities. Systematic examination of relationships both between serious leisure and leisure benefit, and serious leisure and wellbeing are still waiting so far. The purpose of this study is thus to examine the relationships both between serious leisure and leisure benefit, and serious leisure and wellbeing by introducing the roles of social capital and recreational specialization. Theoretical framework and corre- sponding hypotheses were built according related literature and theory bases. Interna- tional standard dance participants were invited to participate in this study. Structural equation modeling was used in this study to test our hypotheses. Empirical evidence of the effects of serious leisure on the leisure benefit and wellbeing and mediating ef- fects of social capital and recreation specialization on the aforementioned relation- ships were examined and discussed in this study. Keywords : serious leisure, social capital, recreation specialization, leisure benefit, wellbeing. 壹、緒論 隨著國人生活水準日益提高、休閒時間大幅增加,加以休閒意識逐漸抬頭, 國人從事休閒與遊憩活動之比例與時間,與日俱增。人們終其一生莫不無時無刻 在於追求幸福之感受,休閒遊憩活動之參與可以促進健康與達到較高品質生活, 進而獲致幸福感(Godbey, 2003) 。若就休閒活動觀之,幸福感係為人類主動專注 參與休閒活動之時之產物,個體可以藉由休閒之歷程發揮潛能與滿足個人需求, 進而產生愉悅之成就感與價值感,而此即為幸福感受(Argyle, 1987) 。由此可知, 透過休閒活動參與可使個體之情緒產生積極之影響,因此,致使心理更趨健康, 亦為影響心理幸福感之主要因素(Riddick and Stewart, 1994) 。參與休閒遊憩活動 具有諸多之利益,Bammel and Burrus-Bamm


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