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滴滴出行 企业公民报告 Didi Chuxing Corporate Citizenship Report 目录 Contents 分享是互联网时代最重要的价值观/ 7 引领分享经济新业态/ 23 Sharing, the Core Value of the Internet Age / 7 Leading the Sharing Economy / 23 CEO致辞 / 8 科技让出行更美好 / 24 Message from the CEO / 9 Technology makes every trip memorable / 25 总裁致辞 / 10 为更多的人带来便利,这仅仅是开始 / 26 Message from the President /11 Bringing more convenient transportation to more people is the beginning / 27 公司简介 / 12 About DiDi / 12 安全是滴滴最在乎的事情 / 28 Safety is the top priority for DiDi / 29 公司战略 / 13 DiDi strategy / 13 在路上,我们始终保有聪明的基因 / 30 Being smart is in our DNA / 31 滴滴价值 / 14 DiDi values / 14 让分享经济撬动新能源汽车产业 / 32 The sharing economy drives new energy vehicles industry / 33 使命基于责任,价值源自创新 / 16 Vision derived from responsibilities, values created through innovation / 16 4 滴滴出行企业公民报告2017 分享与暖途同行/ 35 附录/ 79 Sharing Goes with Caring / 35 Appendixes / 79 安全,滴滴比你更关心 / 36 《GRI可持续发展报告标准》指引 / 80 DiDi cares for your safety more than anyone / 37 GRI Standards content index / 81 创新,为更好体验 / 44 关于本报告 / 82 Innovation for better experience / 45 About the report / 83 未来交通智慧先行 / 48 Smart transportation leads the future / 49 多样,为最适合的出行选择 /


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