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Nothing But AI; ; Name: Allen Iverson Nickname: The answer osition: G Born: 06/07/75 Height: 6-0 / 1,83 Weight: 165 lbs. / 74,8 kg. College: Georgetown ’98 ;; Allen Iverson first round in 1996, the first overall by the Philadelphia 76 candidates, he was court wizard to start and lightning fast break points rule the roost in the NBA, called the fastest player in the league. Badly bruised but his indomitable will wounding charge forward, quickly gained worldwide NBA fans. Iverson led the 76ers into the NBA Finals once, career harvest numerous honors, including Rookie of the regular season most valuable player, scoring the regular season, All-Star player, and he was the shortest in league history the MVP. 阿伦·艾弗森于1996年首轮第一顺位被费城76人选中,他是球场精灵,以闪电般的启动和快速突破得分称雄于NBA,堪称全联盟最快的球员。他浑身是伤但以顽强的意志带伤冲锋陷阵,迅速得到了全世界NBA球迷的喜爱。艾弗森带领76人队曾经打入NBA总决赛,职业生涯收获荣誉无数,包括最佳新秀、常规赛最有价值球员、常规赛得分王、全明星球员等等,他还是联盟历史上最矮的MVP。 ;Achievementd Title 个人成就 ● Named the 2000-01 NBA Most Valuable Player, leading the league in scoring (31.1 ppg) and steals (2.51 spg) 荣获2000-01赛季NBA“最有价值球员称号”,平均每场得分31.1,抢断2.51次,均列全联盟第1位 ● Most Valuable Player of the 2001 All-Star Game 参加2001年NBA“全明星大赛”,荣获“最有价值球员”称号 ● Three times selected All-NBA Second Team (2000, 2002, 2003) 3次入选NBA“第二阵容” (2000, 2002, 2003) ;● Two time first team All-NBA Team (1999, 2001) 2次参加“全明星大赛”,并且首发出场 ● Named the 1996-97 Schick NBA Rookie of the Year, becoming the first 76ers player to ever win the award 获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的球员 ● Set the Sixers all-time rookie record with 1,787 points 作为新秀,赛季得分1787分,创NBA最高记录 ● Scored 40 points in five straight games in April 1997 to set an NBA rookie record 1997年4月,连续5场比赛得分超过40分,创NBA新秀最高纪录 ;● Named MVP of the Schick Rookie Game during the 1997 NBA All-Star Weekend, posting 19 points and a game-high 9 assists 参加1997年全明星周末“新秀大赛”,得到19分,9次助攻;获得“最有价值球员”称号 ● Named NBA Rookie of the Month for November, 1997, leading all rookies in scoring (21.8 ppg), assists (6.4 apg) and steals (2.67 spg) 获得“本月最佳球员”称号(1996年11月)


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