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第28 卷第4 期 华南农业大学学报 VoL28 , No.4 Journal of South China Agricultural University OcL 2007 2007 年 10 月 广州市中心区绿地景观格局动态分析 铁玲,杨燕琼,王月华,沈德才,孟先进 (华南农业大学林学院,广东广州 510642) 摘要:应用 3S 技术,以 1992、 1998 和 2002 年覆盖广州中心区的美国 Landsat 卫星影像为信息源,用监督分类辅以目 5 种类型,总精度在 90% 以上-通过景观格局特征的分析,获取了 1992- 视判读法,将广州市中心区的绿地分为 2002 年近 10 年间广州市中心区绿地景观格局的变化情况:总绿地面积减少,不同类型间发生了复杂变化,以农田 绿地和附属地转为非绿地居多.农田绿地不断减少,公共绿地较缺乏.老城区应尽可能创新绿化方式,以增加景观 多样性-不同绿地类型面积越来越均匀,绿地景观斑块较规则,多趋于团聚分布 关键词:3S 技术;绿地;景观格局;动态分析 中图分类号:TP75 文献标i只码:A 文章编号: 1001-411X(2007)04-0073-04 Analysis on Landscape Pattern Dynamics of Greenland in the Central Area of Guangzhou TIE Ling , YANG Yan-qiong , WANG Yue-hua , SHEN De-cai , MENG Xian-jin (College of Forestry , South China Agric. Univ. , Guangzhou 510642 , China) Abstract :Ana1ysis on green1and 1andscape in the Centra1 Area of Guangzhou was conducted. Landsat TM images shot in 1992 , 1998 and 2002 were used as information sources , with the support of GPS and GIS , classified green1and maps was made by ERDAS software with a tota1 accuracy of more than 90%. The 1andscape pattern characteristics were ana1yzed by FRAGSTAS software. The result showed 由at in the pe- riod 1992-2002 , the tota1 area of green1and in inner Guangzhou decreased and 1and use pattern changed comp1icately , main1y from farm1and and affi1iated 1and to non-green 1and. Farm1and decreased continua1- 1y , making pub1ic green1and more and more insufficient. The old districts shou1d make changes in green- ing mode to increase the 1andscape diversity. Area of different types


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