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中国药事 2018年8月 第32卷 第8期 1141 南京鼓楼医院住院患者麻醉药品处方分析 王璐璐,陶祥 (南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院, 南京 210008) 摘要 目的: 调查分析南京鼓楼医院2016年住院患者麻醉药品使用情况,为临床合理使用麻醉药品提供参 考,为进一步规范我院住院患者麻醉药品的使用与管理提供准确的科学依据。方法:利用我院计算机系 统,统计2016年住院患者麻醉药品使用情况,以用药频度(DDDs)、限定日费用(DDC)和药物利用指 数(DUI)为指标,评价我院住院患者麻醉药品使用情况。结果:2016年我院住院患者使用麻醉药品共7种 11个规格,使用频率最高的药品为枸橼酸芬太尼注射液(0.5 mg/支)、芬太尼透皮贴剂(4.2 mg/贴)和盐 酸吗啡注射液(10 mg/支)。结论:我院住院患者麻醉药品的使用基本合理,但在中、晚期癌痛患者的药 物选择、给药剂量和给药间隔等方面仍存在一些问题。提示应进一步普及合理用药知识及强化管理制度。 关键词: 麻醉药品;用药频度;限定日费用;药物利用指数;合理用药 R971+.2 R969.3 A 1002-7777(2018)08-1141-05 中图分类号: ; 文献标识码: 文章编号: doi:10.16153/j.1002-7777.2018.08.022 An Analysis of the Prescriptions of Narcotic Drugs of Nanjing Drun Tower Hospital Wang Lulu, Tao Xiang Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Nanjing ( University Nanjing 210008 China , , ) Abstract Objective: To investigate and analyze the use of narcotic drugs of Nanjing Drun Tower Hospital, to provide references for clinical rational use of narcotic drugs and to provide a scientific basis for standardizing the use and management of the narcotic drugs in inpatients of our hospital. Methods: The use of the narcotic drugs in inpatients of our hospital in 2016 was analyzed by computer system. The use of the narcotic drugs in inpatients of our hospital was evaluated by using DDDs, DDC and DUI as indicators. Results: There were 7 kinds and 11 specifications of narcotic drugs used in inpatients of our hospital. The most frequently used drugs were fentanyl citrate injection (0.5 mg per injection) fentanyl transdermal patch (4.2 mg per patch) and morphine , hydrochloride injection (10 mg per injection). Conclusion: The use of narcotic drugs in our hospital was basically reasonable, but some problems, such as drug selection, dosage


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