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西安石油大学本科毕业设计(论文) TCY12型采油车总体方案及传动系统设计 摘要:采油车是近年发展的一种新型采油工具,主要适用于长停井、低渗井以及边远井,同时可以用于大型采油设备没建成以前的新区开采,它对降低成本和能耗提高产量具有较好的经济效益。 本文主要进行了CTY12型采油车总体方案和传动方案的设计,包括传动方案的选择,减速器的设计中;该采油车采用了前置式采油结构方案,选择性能良好的工程机械底盘车。 前置式采油车是油田车载移动式采油设备的主要车型,本文的重点是绞车结构的设计,主要进行绞车的选型、结构设计和重要零部件校核等,包括有利于提高排绳质量的带槽滚筒设计,轴、滚筒体、链轮、键和轴承的结构设计和选型,滚筒轴的校核,滚筒体强度的校核,以及其它重要零部件的强度校核,从而保证它们的性能和寿命,并且选择气胎离合器和液压盘式刹车,使其有利于实现自动化以及提高其安全系数。 TCY12型采油车的应用对于降低低产油井开采成本以及提高采油效率具有重要意义。 关键词:采油车;起升方案;传动系统;绞车 The Overall Program of TCY 12 Type Trailer Pumping Unit And the transmission System Design Abstract: Trailer pumping mounted unit is a modern style of oil recovery tool which has been developed in recent years, and it mainly applies to long-time no wok wells, low permeability wells and remote wells. At the same time, it can be used to recover the oil in new development areas before large-scale production equipment has not been constructed, and it will have a preferable economic benefit in decreasing cost and energy consumption and increasingproduction. This paper primarily presents the design of the trailer pumping mounted unit and the transmission system of CTY12, the design of reduction gear,The design utilizes front-oil structure and selects construction machinery chassis which has good performance.. Trailer pumping mounted unit of front-oil structure is the main type of car mobile oil field equipment. The key point of this paper is the design of draw work. It mostly proceeds lectotype of draw work, structural design, checking important components and so on.It also include improving the quality of grooved rope drum design and on-axis, the drum body, sprockets, keys and bearings selection and structural design and strength check of major components so as to ensure their performance and life. Besides, there are air tube clutch and hydraulic disc brake options to help automate increase its safety factor. The TCY12 Type Trailer Pumping Unit application regarding reduces the low productivity oil well production cost


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