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* * * * 母源性决定子的作用;细胞间的相互作用和信号传导子的作用 两栖类:由受精时卵质的重新分布决定;精子入卵点的对侧形成灰色新月,由此标志预定胚胎的背侧,其对应面为腹侧;动物极附近的背侧形成头部,对应侧形成尾部 鸟类:首先决定背腹极(卵裂期起始,通过胚盘上下的pH梯度建立),头尾轴则根据重力和在输卵管中的旋转决定 哺乳类:根据胚胎内细胞团(inner cell mass)分隔的 位置决定背腹面,头尾可能是在排卵时被决定, 还不完全清楚哺乳类是如何决定左右。 第十二章 脊椎动物的胚轴形成 β-CATENIN和TGF-β蛋白相互作用 形成组织者和诱导中胚层产生 Model of the mechanism by which the Disheveled protein stabilizes β-catenin in the dorsal portion of the amphibian egg. Disheveled (Dsh) associates with a particular set of proteins at the vegetal pole of the unfertilized egg. Upon fertilization, these protein vesicles are translocated dorsally along subcortical microtubule tracks. Disheveled is then released from its vesicles and is distributed in the future dorsal third of the 1-cell embryo. Disheveled binds to and blocks the action of GSK-3, thereby preventing the degradation of β-catenin on the dorsal side of the embryo. The nuclei of the blastomeres in the dorsal region of the embryo receive β-catenin, while the nuclei of those in the ventral region do not. β-catenin在胚胎背部的定位 斑马鱼 组织者 胚轴形成 鸡 由重力产生的前-后轴特化 鸡 胚盘的调节 鸡 来自胚胎后端Koller’s镰的原结形成 鸡 原结为鸟类的组织者 鸡 左-右侧分化 鸡 左侧信号向右侧信号的传递 哺乳动物 卵轴和最初的椭圆形早期胚胎的形成 哺乳动物 小鼠和鸡沿前-后轴腹部模式的表达 哺乳动物 人类器官的左右不对称发育 哺乳动物 小鼠胚胎基因表达的对成性 哺乳动物 小鼠左-右分化的调控 后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 主要经营:网络软件设计、图文设计制作、发布广告等 公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意! 致力于数据挖掘,合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求 * 精子入卵,引起卵子皮质部旋转。 * The embryonic shield as organizer in the fish embryo. A donor embryonic shield (about 100 cells from a stained embryo) is transplanted into a host embryo at the same early-gastrula stage. The result is two embryonic axes joined to the hosts yolk cell. In the photograph, both axes have been stained for sonic hedgehog mRNA, which is expressed in the ventral midline. (The embryo to the right is the secondary axis.) Axis formation in the zebrafish embryo. (A) Prior to gastrulation, the zebrafish blastoderm is arranged with the presumptive ectoderm near the animal pole, the presu


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