高中英语(外研版必修五:Module 1 British and American English Section Ⅱ知能演练轻松闯关 含答案.doc

高中英语(外研版必修五:Module 1 British and American English Section Ⅱ知能演练轻松闯关 含答案.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词 1.He answered our questions in English but with a thick ____________(口音). 答案:accent 2.____________(比较) Tom with other athletes, you will find that Tom has the perfect body shape for a swimmer. 答案:Comparing 3.It is ____________(显而易见的) that she is very clever because she can work out such a difficult problem. 答案:obvious 4.Her letter was so ____________(令人困惑的) that I could hardly make any sense of it. 答案:confusing 5.The customers made a number of rude ____________(评论) about the goods on sale. 答案:remarks 6.All ____________(种类) of goods for daily use are available in the shopping mall. 答案:varieties 7.Chinese ____________(不同)greatly from Japanese in pronunciation. 答案:differs 8.To my delight,the students worked very hard and were making progress ____________(不断地;持续地). 答案:steadily 9.The students majoring in medicine must study the ____________(结构) of the human body. 答案:structure 10.Early ____________(定居者) from Europe settled on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and built some houses. 答案:settlers eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 完成句子 1.她的妈妈喜欢西方音乐,而她的父亲对京剧感兴趣。 Her mother is fond of western music, ________________________________ Peking Opera. 答案:while her father is interested in 2.与其他西方国家相比,美国在中国的经济发展中起着重要的作用。 ________________________, America plays a very important part in China economic development. 答案:Compared with/to other western countries 3.时间一旦失去,无论如何都无法弥补。 Nothing can ________________________________ be made up. 答案:make it possible for lost time to 4.大卫在用汉语表达方面虽然有困难,但是通过肢体语言我可以理解他的意思。 David ________________________ in Chinese, but I understood him by body language. 答案:had difficulty (in) expressing himself 5.托尼和汤姆在性格上有很多共同之处。比如说,他们两个很少在公共场合表达自己的想法。 Tony ________________________________. For example, both of them seldom express their own ideas in public places. 答案:has much in common with Tom in character eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 课文语法填空 British English 1.____________(difference) from American English in many ways. The most obvious way is in the vocabulary. Sometimes, the same


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