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37 6 电气电子教学学报 Vol. 37 No. 6 第 卷 第 期 20 15 12 Dec. 20 15 年 月 JOURNAL OF EEE 内电感计算的磁链法和能量法的比较 焦重庆 ( , 102206) 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 北京 : 。 , , 摘要 本文首先推导了磁通量管内储存的磁场能量的表达式 基于这一表达式 给出了内电感计算的磁链法的磁场能量解释 得出了内电感计 ( ) : , ; , 算的磁链法和磁场能量法 导线内部磁场能量 的差异 当不存在有穿越导线表面的磁力线时 两种方法的结果是一致的 反之 磁链法的结果 大于磁场能量法的结果。 : ; ; ; 关键词 内电感 电感 磁链 磁场能量 中图分类号:G642 . 0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0686 (20 15)06-0034 -03 A Comparison between the Magnetic linkage Method and the Energy Method for Inner Inductance Calculation JIAO Chong-qing (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,North China Electric Power University ,Beij ing 102206 ,China) Abstract :The expression of magnetic field energy stored within a magnetic flux tube is derived ,and is used to ex- plain the physical mechanism of magnetic linkage method in term of magnetic field energy. Further ,the difference between the two methods for inner inductance calculation ,the magnetic linkage method and the energy method (magnetic field energy stored within conductor),is discussed. It is shown that the two methods give identical result if there is no any magnetic force line penetrating the surface of a conducting wire. However ,the former does larger value than the latter if there are such lines. Keywords :Inner inductance ;inductance ;magnetic linkage ;magnetic field energy


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