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英文名著3000 本 Beacon Lights of History by John Lord, LL.D. Volume III. Part I--The Middle Ages. 1 英文名著3000 本 CONTENTS. MOHAMMED. SARACENIC CONQUESTS. Change of public opinion about Mohammd Astonishing triumph of Mohammdanism Old religious systems of Arabia Polytheism succeeds the doctrines of the Magians The necessity of reform Early life of Mohammd Cadijeh Mohammds meditations and dreams His belief in a personal God He preaches his new doctrines The opposition and ridicule of his countrymen The perseverance of Mohammd amid obstacles His flight to Medina The Koran and its doctrines 2 英文名著3000 本 Change in Mohammds mode of propagating his doctrines Polygamy and a sensual paradise Warlike means to convert Arabia Mohammed accommodates his doctrines to the habits of his countrymen Encourages martial fanaticism Conquest of Arabia Private life of Mohammd, after his success Carlyles apology for Mohammd The conquest of Syria and Egypt Conquest of Persia and India Deductions in view of Saracenic conquests Necessity of supernatural aid in the conversion of the world Authorities. CHARLEMAGNE. REVIVAL OF WESTERN EMPIRE. 3 英文名著3000 本 Ancestry and early life of Charlemagne The Merovingian princes Condition of Europe on the accession of Charlemagne Necessity for such a hero to arise His perils and struggles Wars with the Saxons The difficulties of the Saxon conquest Forced conversion of the Saxons The Norman pirates Conquest of the Avares Unsuccessful war with the Saracens The Lombard wars Coronation of Charlemagne at Rome Imperialism and its influences The dismemberment of Charlemagnes empi



