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ChapterChapterChapterChapter 3333
The Matching ConceptThe Matching Concept
anandddd t thhhhee AdjAdjAdjAdjustustiiiing Processng Process
11. TheThe MatchingMatching ConceptConcept
2. Nature of the Adjusting Process
3. Recording Adjusting Entries
44. SummarySummary ofof AdjustmentAdjustment ProcessProcess
The Matchingg Conceppt
Going-concern concept 持续经营
AssumeAssume thatthat aa businessbusiness willwill continuecontinue forfor anan indefiniteindefinite
AccountingAccounting PeriodPeriod /Time/Time PeriodPeriod ConceptConcept会计分期会计分期
By dividing the life of the business into accounting
periodsperiods, oneone cancan prepareprepare statementsstatements forfor eacheach periodperiod.
(monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually)
Which period shouldWhich period should the revenuesthe revenues
and expenses of the business beand expenses of the business be
ReportingReporting Revenue and ExpensesRevenue and Expenses
CashCash BasisBasis ofof AccountingAccounting
Accrual Basis of Accounting
Under the cash basis 收付实实现制 for the
accounting period concept, revenues
andand expensesexpenses areare reportedreported inin thethe
income statement in the period in
whihichh cashh iis receiivedd or paidid.
UnderUnder thethe accrualaccrual basisbasis 权责发生制权责发生制 forfor
the accounting period concept,
revenuesrevenues areare reportedreported inin thethe incomeincome
statement in the period in which they
are earned.
The accounting concept that supports
reportingreporting revenuesrevenues andand relatedrelated expensesexpenses inin
the same period is
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