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Content Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project Task 1 Step One Work together with your partner and fill in the table with the attributes that you think make a good employer and a good employee on page 2. Reference1: Reference2: Step Two Choose the most important three attributes for people in each role, and give your reasons. Reference: employee: good health, cooperativeness employer: good health, great communicative skills, ***Good health is the foundation for career development, whatever role one plays. For an employee, cooperativeness ensures the smooth progress of a work project, since many projects involve the cooperation of many workers. As an employer, he must be good at Communicating with different people, which is the guarantee of a pleasant interpersonal relationship in his business, along with the successful building up of the social network. Step Three Based on your work done in the previous two steps, tell each other what you would like to be after graduation, an employer or an employee? Give reasons for your choice. Words or phrases for your reference: run a business, in possession of business, be tolerant of be considerate of , ambitious, a sense of achievement manage, endure, confident, good-tempered, cooperative open-minded, punctual, positive, flexible, generous Task 2 Read the four cases of job hopping on page 2 and judge whether they are beneficial or disadvantageous to the persons concerned. Task 3 Read the following two pieces of parental advice on page 3 and discuss with your partner which one you would follow. Whatever you decide to do with your life, make sure it’s something practical. You will want to be able to make a good living for yourself and your family. 2. We don’t care what you set out to study; just make sureit’s something you e
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