英语人教版八年级上册Unit 10 Section A 1a---2d.doc

英语人教版八年级上册Unit 10 Section A 1a---2d.doc

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Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! Teaching and Learning Goals : Learn the new words of Unit 10. To cultivate students self-study ability. After learning , Ss can read the new words and remember the most words of Unit10. Then Ss can understand the story by themselves Teaching and learning steps Step 1: Try to read the new words of Unit 10 by themselves. First, ask Ss to read the new words of Unit 10 by themselves. Find out the words they can’t read and circle them (设计意图:圈出不会读的单词,巩固优等生识读的正确率,提高中下等学生的认读能力,为下一步学习做好准备) 2、Then ask Ss to try to read the words what they have circled according to the phonetic symbols. Discuss some words they can’t read. (设计意图:小组讨论如何根据音标读单词,旨在培养根据音标识读单词的能力,人人参与,兵教兵,兵练兵,合作探究) Play the tape ! Ss listen and repeat ! Correct their pronunciations. (设计意图:纠正发音,核对更正,确保认读所有单词) At last. Ask Ss to read after the tape again. Master all the pronunciations. Then the teacher check .(设计意图:教师可抽查检测,学生可领读、齐读、个别读、了解认读情况,掌握学生学情,为进行下一步教学做到有的放矢). Step 2 : Learn to remember words . Make a competition in groups! Divide the new words into four forms to grasp. Ask Ss to try their best to remember new words of unit10. Remember the words by looking at pictures on the screen (A total of 8 English nouns) exam n. 考试 video n. 录像带 potato chips n. 炸土豆片 chocolate n. 巧克力 taxi n.出租车 agent n.经纪人 expert n.专家 guest n. 客人;宾客 teenager n. 青少年 wallet n. 钱包 1. Show pictures to teach new words on the screen . Give students the appropriate time to remember words, they bcan read and write, They can stand up quickly to answer and spell. (设计意图:充分调动活跃学生思维,手、口、脑并用,以饱满的热情全身心投入。教师可以实行小组加分制,快速抢答且回答正确的小组加分) 2. Go on Showing pictures to teach other new words. Organize, meeting, advice, travel, mile, mistake, advise, solve, trust…. (设计意图:趁热打铁,继续利用多媒体并结合课本有关句子进行个别重点动词、形容词的学习) 二. Remember the following words



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