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35 / 1 / 河北师范大学学报/ / Vol. 35 No. 1 2011 1 JOURNAL OF HEBEI NORMAL UNIVERSITY/ Natural Science Edition/ Ja n. 2011 几种基因工程宿主菌异丁醇耐受能力的比较 张路路, 刘 畅, 任梦然, 梁 雪, 贺进田 ( , 050016) : ( ) , 16 g/ L, ; 16 g/ L , 50 % . , , , . : ; ; : Q 939. 97 :A :2011) Comparison of Isobutanol Tolerance of Several Genetically Engineered Host Bacteria ZHANG Lulu, LIU C ang, REN Mengran, LIANG Xue, HE Jintian ( College of Life Science,Hebei Normal U niversity,H ebei S ijiaz uang 050016, C ina) Abstract:T o evaluate butanol tolerance of different ost strain in genetic engineering, t e specific growt rate of 8 different microorganisms w as measured in t e culture medium w ic contained different concentrations of butanol. It w as found t at t e prokaryotic microorganisms could not tolerate 16g/ L butanol. Of t ese prokary otic microorganisms, Grampositive bacteria Bacill us s ubt ilis w as superior to t e Gramnegative bacteria E . col i and A g robacter ium t umef aciens . T e eukaryotic microorganisms S acchar omyces cerev is iae grew w ell in 16 g/ L butanol and t e specific growt rate of S accharomyces cerev is iae w as close to 50 % of t e specific growt rate w it out butanol. In view of t e fact t at B acill us subtil is and S accharomyces cerev isi ae w ere able to tolerate bu tanol, t ese strains could be selected as genetically engineered ost strain in t e production of butanol to solve t e problem of t e low butanol tolerance. Key words: ost bacteria; isobutanol; alco ol tolerance , , . . , , [ 1] . , , , . ( Cl ost rid i um acet obuty licum ) , 1, [ 2] 8g/ L . ,


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