必看干货 九十九个春节词汇英文表达.doc

必看干货 九十九个春节词汇英文表达.doc

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必看干货 | 九十九个春节词汇英文表达 新春佳节传统名称 1. 传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival 2. 农历:lunar calendar 3. 腊八节:Laba Festival 4. 小年:Little New Year 5. 除夕:Lunar New Years Eve 6. 春节:the Spring Festival 7. 正月初一:the lunar New Years Day 8. 元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9. 正月:the first month of the lunar year 10. 二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 传统习俗名称 11. 喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 12. 扫尘:sweep the dust 13. 扫房:spring cleaning 14. 祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen 15. 守岁:staying up 16. 拜年: pay a New Years call 17. 祭祖:offer sacrifices to ones ancestors 18. 祭财神:worship the God of Wealth 19. 春联:Spring Festival couplets 20. 贴倒福:paste the Chinese character Fu upside down 21. 去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 22. 辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 23. 兆头:omen 24. 禁忌:taboo 25. 烧香:burn incense 26. 吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner 27. 年夜饭:New Years Eve dinner 28. 全家团圆:family reunion 29. 办年货:do Spring Festival shopping 30. 敬酒:propose a toast 31. 穿新衣:wear new clothes 32. 红包:red envelops 33. 压岁钱:gift money;money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift 传统美食小吃名称 34. 年糕:rice cake;New Year cake 35. 饺子:dumpling;Chinese meat ravioli 36. 汤圆:dumplings made of sweet rice 37. 八宝饭:eight-treasure rice pudding (steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.) 38. 什锦糖:assorted candies 39. 糖莲子:candied lotus seed 40. 花生糖:peanut candy 41. 蜜冬瓜:candied winter melon 42. 瓜子:red melon seeds 43. 金桔:cumquat 44. 红枣:red dates 45. 春卷:spring roll 46. 冰糖葫芦:candied haws on a stick 47. 驴肉火烧:donkey burger 48. 腊肠:Chinese sausage 49. 米酒:rice wine 50. 腊肉:preserved meat 51. 糖板栗:sugar chestnut 52. 四喜丸子:four-joy meatballs 民间传统艺术 53. 泥人:clay figure 54. 皮影戏:shadow puppetry 55. 木偶戏:puppet show 56. 刺绣:embroidery 57. 剪纸:paper-cut 58. 中国结:Chinese knot 59. 年画:New Year painting 60. 吹糖人:sugar-figure blowing 61. 舞龙:dragon dance 62. 舞狮:lion dance 63. 秧歌:Yongko dance;rural folk dance 64. 灯笼:lantern 传统曲艺表演名称 65. 戏曲:traditional opera 66. 折子戏:opera highlights 67. 相声:comic dialogue;cross talk 68. 小品:skits;sketch 69. 口技:vocal imitat


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