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xx工学院毕业设计论文 xx工学院毕业设计论文 PAGE II PAGE III Ⅰ xxxx INSTITUTE 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 题目:基于SHT71的温/湿度采集系统的设计 二级学院(直属学部): xx学院 专业: 自动化 班级: 自 学生姓名: xxx 学号: xxx 指导教师姓名: xxx 职称: 讲师 评阅教师姓名: 职称: 201x 年 6 月 摘 要 为了满足化学工业过程对环境条件的需求,人们在传感器智能控制方案和具体应用中做了大量的研究和可行性分析,开发了一种具有智能化功能的温湿度监测系统。该系统由数据采集模块和显示模块组成。其中数据采集模块采用了以单片机STC89C52RC为核心的外接传感器的结构框架,保证了系统对现场温湿度信号采集的领域前沿的转换接口模块,为整个系统的实用性提供了坚实的通信保障,而且笔者认为这种通信方式已经成为了工业化通信的发展方向。 本次设计的温湿度系统检测是以STC89C52RC为控制核心,通过SHT71数字式温湿度传感器,实时采集所要测量的环境的温度和湿度,并利用1602LCD液晶显示屏显示数据,达到实时控制温湿度的目的。本系统具有可读性高,稳定性高,反映速度快,测量值准确的特点。 关键词:温度;湿度;STC89C52RC;1602液晶屏;SHT71 Abstract Chemical industrial process in order to meet the needs of environmental conditions, people have done a lot of research and feasibility analysis in the intelligent control of the sensor and the specific applications. The system composed by the data acquisition module and display module. Data acquisition module which uses a microcontroller STC89C52RC as the core structural, It ensure the system on-site collection of temperature and humidity signals. The usefulness of the entire system to provide a solid communications security.That such communication has become the development direction of industrial communications. This design mainly introduces temperature and humidity acquisition system uses STC89C52RC as the control core through SHT71 digital temperature and humidity sensors , real-time acquisition of the storehouse environment temperature and humidity . The use of liquid crystal display LCD display data 1602. To achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity. This system has a readable, high stability, reaction speed, measured values exact characteristic. Key words: Temperature ; Humidity ; STC89C52RC; 1602LCD; SHT71 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc295938639 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc295938639 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc295938640 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc295938640 \h III HYPERLI



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