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Principle #2: 揅ontinually Innovate and Improve System Capability 1. Exercise: Have each table do a fishbone on 揥hy doesn抰 the sweater fit??Hand out the exercise. Tell them to get as many ideas as they can on the flip chart and try to have some sub-causes to get to the root cause. Tell them that we have the answer and that it should be listed on each of their fishbones as a possible cause. (Answer: the cleaner gave him the wrong sweater). Allow 10-15 minutes for the exercise and coach them so they list possible causes on all the main bones and they get some sub-causes. Have each table discuss their fishbone. Compare all their answers. Check to see if they had the answer as one of the possible causes. Summarize any learning抯 observed during the exercise (did they start to evaluate, did they list solutions instead of causes, did they get lots of ideas, etc.) Answer any questions they may have about how to do a fishbone diagram. 3. Go on to the next slide. Participant Page: 27 Slide #: 41 金域国际墙板裂缝修补实验 问题描述 金域国际项目一期精装修工程中出现3#、7#、8#楼出现AC户型分户长墙油漆施工后出现竖直以及横向裂缝,具体位置为:竖直裂缝出现在墙板拼缝处,横向裂缝出现在墙板与梁交接处。 多乐士修补方案 修补工艺工序 1。基层处理(所选试验楼层为8#楼6楼AC户型分户长墙) 2。拼缝填充弹性腻子(嵌网格布) 3。整面长墙满挂网格布 4。一遍腻子 5。二遍腻子 6。腻子打磨 7。底漆 8。A户型分户墙做105弹性中层,C户型分户型长墙不作处理 8。一遍面漆 9。二遍面漆 1.基层处理 基层处理方法: ①凿除原有砂浆填缝层;②去除拼缝处浮灰,用水清洗。(施工日期为2013/12/20) 2.填缝并嵌网格布 待基层无明显水渍,开始使用多乐士A188弹性腻子填充接缝,并嵌入网格布。 A188弹性腻子及其配套搅拌材料 网格布 2.填缝并嵌网格布 施工过程: 采用嵌入网格布的方式做墙板拼缝处理,作业时间为2013/12/24 3.整面长墙满挂网格布 2013/12/25对已经做好ICIA188弹性腻子填充处理的长墙进行满挂网处理,其中拼缝处也覆盖到位,挂网都有重叠区域,保证整面长墙完全覆盖。 4.一遍腻子 2014/1/9进行第一遍腻子刮涂,材料为汇铂N2000型内墙耐水腻子粉 5.二遍腻子 2014/01/10进行二遍腻子施工 Principle #2: 揅ontinually Innovate and Improve System Capability 1. Exercise: Have each table do a fishbone on 揥hy doesn抰 the sweater fit??Hand out the exercise. Tell them to get as many ideas as they can on the flip chart and try to have some sub-causes to get to the root cause. Tell them that we have the answer and that it should be listed on each of their fishbones a
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