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CJCM 2017 9 7 中医临床研究 年第 卷 第 期 -141- [25]林小玲.涌泉穴贴敷中药治疗妇女更年期失眠症的疗效观察[J].广 [29]Riemann D, Spiegelhalder K, Espie C, et al.Chronic insomnia: clinical 西医学,2010,32(9):1099-1100. and research challenges-an agenda[J].Pharmacopsychiatry,2011,44(1):1-14. [26]吴迪, 肖文昊.中医治疗配合心理疏导治疗失眠症观察[J].环球中医 药,2014,7(s2):26. [27]杨德森,李凌江,张亚林,等.社区人群生活质量研究[J].中国心理卫生 杂志,1995,9(3):136. [28]Koffel EA, Koffel JB, Gehrman PR.A meta-analysis of group cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia[J].Sleep Med Rev,2014,5(19):6. 编辑:段苏婷 编号:EA-3161206037 (修回:2017-03-07 ) 揿针疗法治疗骨关节疾病研究进展 A review on treating osteoarthropathy by acupuncture 朱瑜琪 王智耀 (中国中医科学院眼科医院,北京,100040) R322 7+2 A 1674 7860 2017 07 0141 03 中图分类号: . 文献标识码: 文章编号: - ( ) - - 摘 要 综述揿针疗法治疗骨关节疾病的临床研究进展,表明近十年来揿针疗法在治疗骨关节疾病方面得到较为广泛的应 【 】 用,通过浅刺久留针达到减少针刺时疼痛、延长针刺效应时间,提高了疗效,以其简便、价廉、安全、有效、舒适的特点,被越 来越多的患者所接受,但存在治疗病种相对分散,病例偏少,临床疗效评价标准不一,且缺乏可靠的循证医学证据等不足,并提 出了今后揿针疗法的临床研究方向。 关键词 骨关节;揿针;皮内针;综述 【 】 Abstract This essay reviewed the progress of treating osteoarthropathy by acupuncture in recent 10 years. It showed that applica- 【 】 tion of this therapy in bone and joint disease was growing rapidly. The therapy yielded favorable effects through prolonging acupuncture ef- fective time and lightening pain generated by shallow insertion and longtime retaining. It was accepted by growing numbers of patients due to its merits like easy-to-perform, low-cost, safety, efficacy and mild sensation. However, it also has disadvantages like scattered disease, fewer cases, various standards and lack of reliable evidence-based medical evidence. Accordingly, the author proposed his research direc- tion in the future. Keywords Osteoarthropathy; Acupuncture; Intraderma


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