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DOI: 10. 1168468 /j.cn1ki.i ssn1004 -0366.2006.01.027 Vol. 18  No. 1 2006 3               Journal of Gansu Sciences                Mar. 2006 李文婷, 余占奎, 张春霞, 施凤英 ( 1. ,  2014 18)  : 根据酸洗废水的水质特点,确定了二级曝气中和法作为酸洗废水的处理工艺,并在工艺理 论上进 了分析探讨;模拟试验结果表明二级曝气中和法对酸洗废水中污染物去除效果显著,出水 符合国家排放标准. : 酸洗废水;二级曝气中和法; 工艺 : X703   : A   : 1004-0366( 2006) 01-0107-04 Study on the Process of Neutralization for Acid Cleaning Wastewater Treatment LI Wen-ting, YU Z an-kui, ZHANG C un-xia, SHI Feng-ying ( 1. Colleg e of Civil Eng ineer ig n , S hang hai N orm al Un iversity , Shanghai 201418, Ch ina ) Abstract:  According to water quality of acid cleaning wastew ater ( ACW) , t e treatment process of tw o-stage aeration neutralization for ACW is defined and furt er discussed based on t eoretical analyses. T e result of simulation experiment s ows t at t is neutralization process as distinct effectson t e removal of contaminants in ACW. It meets t e requirements of disc arging standard of our country. Key words:  acid cleaning wastew ater; process of two-stage aeration neutralization; treatment   , ,. cr 、、、, COD , SS, pH,,: ,, ,,,, . . ,, 1. 1 、 [1, 3] , . 20 t, ,,: AA~ 670. , : 65, 、、、, 10~ 6; 10~ 12. , : ; 190~ 900 nm; : . 220 V ± 10% , 50 Hz/60 Hz; : 0. 02~ , , 3. 00 nm.


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