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30 4 ( ) Vol. 30 No. 4
第 卷第 期 湖北民族学院学报 自然科学版
2012 12 Journal of Hubei University for Nationalities (Natural Science Edition) Dec. 2012
年 月
向 宇
( , 445000)
湖北民族学院理学院 湖北恩施
: , .
摘要 主要在综合考虑各种因素下如何进行高考志愿选择的问题 利用层次分析法解决考生高考志愿选择问题 首
, yaahp0 . 5 . 2 , ,
先对问题进行合理的假设 利用层次分析法 软件 做出影响高考志愿诸因素的层次结构图 最后综合得
, , .
出得决策层对目标层的权重 根据所得的权重数给出高校的合理排序 并给出填写志愿的方案
: ; ; ;
关键词 层次分析法 判断矩阵 一致性检验 权重
中图分类号:G632 . 474 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-8423 (2012)04 -0395 -06
Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in College Selection Strategy
(School of Science ,Hubei University for Nationalities ,Enshi 445000 ,China)
Abstract :In this paper ,the main factors are considered on how to conduct college selection. The AHP is
used to solve the problem of voluntary college seletion. Reasonable assumptions are first given ,the analytic
hierarchy process yaahp 0 . 5 . 2 software is used to develop a hierarchy diagram of the factors affecting col-
lege selection ,and finally the weight between the dicision hicrarchy and the target hierarchy is obtaineed.
Areasonable sequencing for the colleges to be considered is given according to the weight factors and pro-
posals for college application are given.
Key words :analytic hierarchy process ;judgment matrix ;consistency inspection ;weight
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