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话语操纵术 《话语操纵术》将告诉你如何琢磨你的谈话对 象,一开口就牢牢抓住对方的注意力,直接击中对方 内心最敏感的部位,并综合运用多种手法,最终通过 谈话得到你想要的一切!  作者序 FORWARD It is an honor and a privilege for me that my book, Loud Clear, has been chosen to be translated into Chinese. The world’s business markets are evolving and expanding exponentially. Through great leaps in technological advancements we are connected 24 / 7 no matter where we are, no matter what we do for a living. Many of us work on teams for multinational companies and need to persuade, negotiate and above all communicate on a daily basis to a vast array of cultures and sensibilities. While each country has its own rich language and culture-- and we hope that never changes --we are experiencing more and more the importance of speaking a common business language. I wrote Loud Clear to help you to be as effective and productive as possible in all your communication efforts. Whether you’re drafting an important proposal via email, or preparing for a one-on-one meeting or to speak before a large group, Loud Clear will help you: 1) Know exactly to whom you are speaking, and how they need to hear the information you wish to convey. 2) Organize your thoughts to capture the essence of the  话语操纵术 message you want your audience to take away with them. 3) Respond to questions effectively and efficiently, without getting detoured from your main objective, I’d like to know how you’ve put the techniques into practice and what key learnings you have gained from Loud Clear. If you have questions or business communication concerns, please contact me kberg@. I look forward to hearing from you.  作者序 非常荣幸,我的书能够被选中翻译成中文,与中 国


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