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. PAGE .. . .. 公交车自动报站系统的硬件设计原理 摘 要 本文介绍了一种的公交车自动报站系统的硬件设计原理,提供了一种以AT89C52单片机为核心,控制大屏幕LED点阵显示的硬件设计方案。系统主要通过AT89C52单片机做为系统CPU,处理包括键盘输入和LED显示屏显示站名的所有信号处理。系统扫描到有键按下,判键确定后给CPU一个脉冲信号,然后CPU处理信号,确定所到站的站名, 再通过扫描驱动从LED显示屏上显示出所到站的站名。达到半自动报站的作用。整个系统硬件设计包括键盘电路、复位电路、显示驱动电路、显示电路、内存扩展电路模块。其中显示模块是本系统的重点。 本系统很大程度上提高公交车报站的准确性,可靠性。提高了公交系统的服务质量。促进城市经济发展和交通变化的和谐发展。 关键词 : AT89C52单片机; LED点阵; AT24C64; 自动报站; . The?Design?of?Automatic?Bus?Station-Informer This article introduces a new methde to design the bus-stop reporting system。It provides a new scheme ,which is based AT89C52 microcomputer,to control the display of the LED lattice。 The system mainly through AT89C52 as the core system, controls keyboard’s input and LED’s display . The entire system through manual operation after receiving the keys to a system scan button press, Key subcontractors that determined a signal to the microcontroller, then the micro-processing of signals from the accrued value added to determine the reliability of station names. Driving through the scanning from the LED display by the arrival station names. Reached semi-automatic stations role. The entire system includes some modules ;for example, the key subcontractors, the signal input microcontroller, signal processing, LED Drivers and LED display program. LED display is the focus of the system. The system can greatly enhance bus stations accuracy, and improve the quality of service of the transportation system. It will promote the citys economic development and the harmonious development of traffic. Keywords: AT89C52chip microcomputer; LED lattice; reporting system; AT24C64; . 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc169675535 第一章 PAGEREF _Toc169675535 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169675536 1.1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc169675536 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169675537 1.2 研究前景及国内外的现有水平 PAGEREF _Toc169675537 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169675538 1.3 课题论述与方案确定 PAGEREF _Toc169675538 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169675539 1.3.1 课题任务及设计要求 PAGEREF _Toc169675539 \h 2 HYPERLINK


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