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第27 卷 第9 期 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol. 27 No.9 2015 年9 月 Journal of Computer-Aided Design Computer Graphics Sep. 2015 双视点3D 视频文件的裸眼立体组合投影实时显示算法 1, 2) 1)* 1) 1) 郭华源 , 秦开怀 , 毛 苗 , 孙 丰 1) (清华大学计算机科学与技术系 北京 100084) 2) ( 中国人民解放军总医院计算机应用与管理科 北京 100853) (qkh-dcs@tsinghua.edu.cn) : 基于 Client/Server 结构和 sort-last 并行绘制策略, 提出双视点3D 视频文件的裸眼立体组合投影实时显示算 法. 首先在服务端全屏播放左右或上下格式的3D 视频文件, 以不低于25 帧/s 的速率在线截屏并按JPEG 格式压缩后 转发给 12 个Client PC. 每个Client PC 接收每一帧截屏图像后, 利用Fragment Shader 和多渲染目标(MRT)通过一遍 绘制完成2 个单视点子图像的裁剪、缩放、奇偶条纹倾斜绘制, 经几何和亮度校正, 并将2 个子图像交织后再向前投影到 光栅显示屏幕. 该屏幕的投影表面为 3.6 m ×1.6 m, 单台投影仪分辨率为 1024 ×768, 投影系统的分辨率为 3584 × 1536. 实验结果表明, 该算法的显示帧率≥24 帧/s, 且当条纹倾斜角度为 10°时裸眼立体显示效果最好. :双视点; 裸眼立体显示; 组合投影; 3D 视频文件 :TP391 Real-Time Tiled Multi-projector Autostereoscopic Display Algorithm for Dual-view 3D Video Files Guo Huayuan1, 2), Qin Kaihuai1)*, Mao Miao1), and Sun Feng1) 1) (Department of Computer Science Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084) 2) (Department of Computer Application Management, the General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853) Abstract: To display the dual-view 3D video files, this paper presents a real-time tiled multi-projector autostereoscopic display algorithm based on the Client/Server structure and the sort-last distributed render- ing scheme. First, the dual-view 3D video is displayed in a full screen mode on the server. Second, the du- al-view images are screen captured at frames per second of more than 25 and distributed to all rendering clients. Then, a GPU-based image processing technique is utilized to split each HSBS or Half-OU image into two single-view sub-images according to


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