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《尼各马科伦理学》第四卷(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 编 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 《尼各马科伦理学》第四卷(英文) 【古希腊】亚里士多德 编 辽宁电子图书有限责任公司 2004年7月第 版 2004年7月第 次 印刷 开本:850 ×1168毫米 1/32 印张: 字数 : 千字 印数 : 责任编辑:高志华 I SBN L-YY-00013/ B05 定价 : 15.00 元 BOOK IV 1 LET us speak next of liberality. It seems to be the mean with regard to wealth; for the liberal man is praised not in respect of military matters, nor of those in respect of which the temrate man is praised, nor of judicial decisions, but with regard to the giving and taking of wealth, and especially in respect of giving. Now by wealth we mean all the things whose value is measured by money. Further, prodigality and meanness are excesses and defects with regard to wealth; and meanness we always impute to those who care more than they ought for wealth, but we sometimes apply the word prodigality in a complex sense; for we call those men prodigals who are incontinent and spend money on self-indulgence. Hence also they are thought the poorest characters; for they combine more vices than one. Therefore the application of the word to them is not its proper use; for a prodigal means a man who has a single evil quality, that of wasting his substance; since a prodigal is one who is being ruined by his own fault, and the wasting of substance is thought to be a sort of ruining of oneself, life being held to depend on possession of substance. This, then, is the sense in which we take the word prodigality. Now the things that have a use may be used either well or badly; and riches is a useful thing; and everything is used best by the man who has the virtue concerned with it; riches, th



