价格行动协议 ,中英双语 the Price Action_Protocol_V2.0.pdf

价格行动协议 ,中英双语 the Price Action_Protocol_V2.0.pdf

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Introduction 简介 Hi! Thanks for purchasing the Price Action Protocol. The purpose of this material is to dramatically improve the technical analysis and trading methods of whoever reads it. 你好!感谢购买本书。本书的目的是为了帮助读者大幅度地提高了技术分析和交易的能力. First, a disappointment: Many of the ‘trading systems’ available for purchase today make many a promise to ‘supercharge your trading, and bring in THOUSANDS of pips a day!!!’ This trading style… is not one of those. We consider material of that nature to constitute a ‘scam’. No single short-term, intra-day trading system has ever managed to maintain healthy growth over anything resembling a long period of time. Markets change; areas of investment adapt and evolve at a rapid rate. We are not going to make ridiculous false claims like that. We take a more ‘investment- minded’ approach to speculation in the markets. We look for obvious patterns that occur over larger time periods, to both decrease our market participation (to minimize risk), and maximize profits by taking part in long-term trends and swings. 首先,可能会令你失望. 现今市场上到处可购买到的 交易系统均承诺 能带给你每日上千的利润 然而本书所述并不属 “ ” . , 于这一类型 我们认为这种性质的材料就是一个骗局 因为没有任何单一的短线或日内交易系 . . , 统能在一段相对长的时间里成功地使利润保持健康的增长 市场日新月异 投资者也在顺应着市 . , 场的变化而高速地自我调适 我们不会做出如此可笑般的承诺 我们带着投机获利的心态来交易 . . . 我们在寻找那些在较长时间里出现过无数次的明显的交易信号 这些交易信号即使我们减少操作 , 从而降低风险 也使我们在长期趋势或波段中是盈利最大化 ( ), . Why the larger timeframes? We believe that technical analysis, whether it is Forex, stocks, or commodity futures, is a form of statistical analysis.


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