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10 4 ( ) V ol. 10 No. 4 2010 12 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UNIVERSITY( ENG INEER ING AND TECHNOLOGY ED IT ION) De , 2010 无线传感器网络的硬件设计 褚家美1, 2 ( 1. , 210096; 2. , 210096) [ ] (W SN), , , A /D. CC2431, 3 , ZigB ee, . . [ ] , , [ ] TP212 [] A [ ] 1672-1292( 2010) 04-0008-04 The H ardw are D esign of W ireless Sensor N etworks 1, 2 Chu J iame i ( 1. S hool of Inform ation S ien e and Eng ineering, South eastUn iversity, Nanjing 210096, Ch ina; 2. NationalK ey Lab of M illmi eterW aves, SoutheastUn iversity, N anjing 210096, Ch ina) A bstrac t: This paper show s the hardware design ofw ireless sensor networks nodes a ording to the requ irem ents ofW SN and the a tual s ituation of the system, ontain ing a sensor un it, pro essor un it, A /D modu les, RF m odules, pow er sup- p ly un it and expanded interfa e un it. CC2431 is used as the m i ropro essor in the system. T em perature, hum idity and sm oke sensor are used. And Z igBee proto ol is sele ted as theW SN transm ission proto ols to a h ieve a low-powerw ire- less sensor network node hardw are platform. And w ireless temperature m easurem ent expermi ent is om pleted using the designed sy stem. K ey w ord s: W SN, node, hardw are design [ 1-3] (W SN ), . [ 4-6] . , A /D . Zig- BeeW SN , . 1 系统结构概述 W SN , PC . , : A /D . , ; ; , ; ; , .


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