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竞赛小组:载运工具运用工程、道路与铁道工程及其它 公交车扶手的人性化设计 --分段式公交车扶手 作者:方雪文,钟滢斌,韦梦柳,张玉品,艾承 指导老师:段爱媛 (华中科技大学 土木工程与力学学院交通运输工程系,武汉 430074 ) 摘要:随着城市化进程的不断加快,越来越多的市民乘坐公交车出行,城市公交和人们 生活关系的日益密切,但是由于公交车内环境缺少人性化设计,因此带来了很多安全隐 患和乘客的不良体验。本文通过结合实际,了解了公交车扶手的设计现状,并分析了人 机工程学中相关人体尺寸及乘客使用扶手的习惯,从而设计出了一款能满足不同身高段 人群需求的公交扶手,这款公交扶手可以实现三个高度的调节,并且能满足身高较矮的 弱势群体的需要。 关键词:人性化;人机工程;分段式公交扶手 User-friendly Design of Bus Handrails -- Segmented Bus Handrails (Fang Xuewen ,Zhong Yingbin ,Wei Mengliu ,Zhang Yupin , Ai Cheng) Instructor : Duan Aiyuan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology , School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics Department of Transportation,Wuhan 430074 ) Abstract With the accelerating process of urbanization, more and more people travel by bus, urban transport and the relationship among peoples lives have become increasingly close. However, due to the lack of public transportation vehicle environment Ergonomics Design, it brings a lot of security risks and the pain experience for passengers. In this paper, we combine the actual, understanding the current situation of the bus handrail design, and analyzes relate d to human ergonomics in size and habits of passengers using handrails, thus devised a crowd to meet the different segments of the bus handrail height. The bus armrest can be adjusted three heights and to meet the needs of vulnerable groups lower height. Keywords : human nature, man-machine engineering, Segmented bus handrails 1.研究背景 随着中国城市化水平提高、城市交通恶化,越来越多的人主动或被动的乘公交车出 【1】 行。公交车不仅是一个城市发展水平的象征,更是城市对外形象的一扇窗口 。近几年 来,由于城市拥堵问题日趋严重,大量


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