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感谢聆听! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! 放映结束 欢迎批评指导!! 假如你是李华,今年暑假你校组织了一次赴云南贫困山区做志愿者服务工作的活动,请根据以下要点提示,写一篇作文,叙述你们这次去都做了哪些工作以及你的感想。 要求:80词左右,给出部分不计入总词数,可适当发挥。 1. 教他们学英语、学唱歌; 2. 给他们带去衣服和玩具; 3. 帮助他们鼓起勇气面对生活。 【书面表达】 Unit1 (1) This summer holidays our school organized an activity of voluntary work. We went to the poor mountain areas in Yunnan. My classmates and I offered to take part in it. We taught the children to learn English and sing songs. In order to make them feel warm, we brought some new clothes and toys to them and played with them. They were very happy to be with us. In addition, we helped to raise their spirits to face lives. We were all tired but very happy and we will continue to do more voluntary work in the future. 假如你们学校上周开展了一次 “Helping those in need”的活动,请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,介绍大家在这次活动中做了什么。提示: Sally 为山村里的穷人捐钱,希望能够帮助小孩子们重返校园; Joe 去了儿童医院照顾生病的孩子,希望能够带给他们快乐; Julia 为流浪狗建造温暖的小窝,希望它们能够在里面暖和; 助人为乐后的感受。 Unit1 (2) Last week, we had an activity called “Helping those in need”. We tried our best to do something for others. Sally raised money for the poor in the mountain village. She hoped the money could help the children go back to school. Joe went to the Children’s Hospital to take care of sick children. He hoped he could bring joy to them. Julia helped build warm houses for homeless dogs. She hoped the dogs could be warm inside. They all thought that when they did something for those in need, they felt very happy. 请根据以下内容写一篇作文,要求字迹工整,内容完整,80词左右。 小明得了严重的疾病住院了,他家里非常贫穷,小明的同学打算为他筹集善款。他们写信征得校长的同意后就开始行动了。他们用各种方式筹款。有的举行慈善表演(a charity show), 有的举行书展买旧书,有的捐款等等。然后同学们拿着筹集的善款去医院看望小明,为他唱歌,跳舞,鼓励他,在大家的帮助下,小明的病渐渐地好了。 Unit1 (3) Last Friday, Xiaoming got sick suddenly. He was suffering from serious illness and was in hospital. Because his family is very poor, they don’t have enough money to pay the hospital. When Xiaoming’s classmates knew this, they decided to raise money for him. They wrote to the headmaster to ask


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