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摘要摘 摘要 摘 要 我国经济快速发展的基础是能源,所以当今社会对能源的需求量不断的增加, 这就导致了我国煤炭的消耗越来越大,开采逐渐的向西部延伸。考虑到我国西部 生态环境的现状,水资源的匮乏和严重土地沙漠化,开采时必须要做到保水开采。 准确的预测导水裂隙带高度的发育能够很好的保护水资源,现在对导水裂隙带高 度的预测主要采用《规程》中的经验公式,这种方法在高度预测上存在着很大的 误差,所以要求必须要找出一种更加准确有效的方法来解决这个问题。 本文主要是通过利用物联网感知技术和多元回归分析方法的结合来对导水裂 隙带高度的发育进行预测研究。物联网技术应用到煤矿开采中,使其真正走上了 综合化技术开采。物联网感知技术收集的数据更加准确有效,去除了过失误差。 通过数据的融合,得到需要的数据。多元回归分析则是将其用线性的方法进行归 纳总结,得出想要的预测公式。 基于物联网感知技术来对导水裂隙带高度进行预测,为未来的研究提供了思 路和方法。 图[27】表【5】参[52】 关键词:导水裂隙带,物联网感知技术,数据融合,多元回归分析,高度预测 分类号:TD745; 万方数据 摘要Chinas 摘要 Chinas rapid economic development is based on energy,SO todays society for e】1ergy demand continues to increase,which led to the consumption of coal in China is growing,and gradually extended to the West.Considering the present situation of the ecological enviroment in the west of China,the lack of water resources and the serious des瞰ijEica:tion 0f廿le land must be done to protect the water.Accurate prediction 0t water flowing fractured zone height development call well protect the water resources guide,nOW of fissure water with highly predictive mainly螂the”rules”of experience formul巩this method in the highly predictive exist great error,SO We must fred a more accuraCe and effective method to solve this problem. Tiffs paper mainly through the use of the Internet of things and the combination of multiple regression analysis method tO predict the height of hydraulic conductivity 丹actl】red zoIle.hlte衄.et of things technology applied to coal mining,SO that it really eⅡlb卸妇d on a comprehemive technology mining.The data collected by the Interact of things is more accurate and effective,and the error is removed.Through the integration of抵we need to get the data.Multiple regression analysis is to use a linear method to sum up,we want to draw the prediction formula· Based on the h1:tenlet of things sensing technology to predict the height of hv(1r砌ic conductivity fractured zone,which provides ideas and methods for our触I】re research. Figure【27】table[51 reference【52】 Keywbrds:hydraulic con



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