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word文档整理分享 参考资料 汽车燃油泵总成设计 摘 要 内燃机是汽车的心脏,电喷式内燃机因其动力性、经济性及环保性远远大于传统内燃机而广泛采用。电喷式内燃机中,燃油供给系统机械结构的设计对内燃机的性能起着一定的作用。本文针对汽车内燃机燃油供给系统中燃油泵的机械结构进行设计。 燃油泵是内燃机燃油供给系统中的重要零件,燃油泵的作用是把汽油从油箱中吸出,并经管路和汽油滤清器压送到化油器的浮子室内。正是由于有了燃油泵,汽油箱才能安放到远离发动机的汽车尾部,并低于发动机。燃油泵工作中承受一定的压力,并长期浸泡在汽油中,所以要求它应有足够的结构强度和耐腐蚀性;又因汽车油箱容积有限,所以燃油泵设计时应考虑小尺寸、轻量化设计。 在本次的汽油泵的机械结构设计中,以汽油泵泵芯为主要设计对象,选用Solid work实体模型建立软件平台,完成对汽油泵泵芯的分析。 关键词:燃油泵;油压;强度 Automotive fuel pump assembly design Abstract Internal combustion engine is the heart of the car, efi engine because of its performance, fuel economy and environmental protection is more than traditional internal combustion engine and widely used. Efi engine, the fuel oil supply system of the mechanical structure design of internal combustion engine performance plays a certain role. Automobile fuel pump in the internal combustion engine fuel supply system, the author of this paper the mechanical structure design. Fuel pump is an important part in internal combustion engine fuel supply system, the function of fuel pump is sucked out the gasoline from the tank, and concession road and petrol filter pressure to the carburetor float indoor. It is because of the fuel pump, the petrol tank can put far beyond engine car tail, and below the engine. Under pressure in the fuel pump work, and long-term immersion in gasoline, so it should have enough strength and corrosion resistance; For automobile fuel tank capacity is limited, so fuel pump design, small size, lightweight design should be considered. In the mechanical structural design of the gasoline pump, gasoline pump pump core as the main design object, the selection of Solid work entity modeling software platform, the complete analysis of gasoline pump pump core. Key words: Fuel pump; Oil pressure ;Intensity 引 言 电动燃油泵是汽车用电脑控制的燃油控制系统的一个重要部件,市场需求大。电动燃油泵的主要任务是供给燃油系统足够的、具有规定压力的汽油。电动燃油泵主要由泵芯、电机和外壳三部分组成。。永磁电动机通电即带动油泵旋转,将燃油从进油口吸入,流经电动燃油泵内部,再从出油口压出,给燃油系统供油。 汽油喷射技术是指在汽车发动机上除化油器外的另一种燃油供应及控制技术.汽油喷射技术最早可以追溯到20世纪初期,德国Wrig


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