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潍坊学院本科毕业设计 PAGE PAGE 7 编号 潍 坊 学 院 毕 业 设 计 技 术 报 告 课题名称:铁柜板冷弯设备轧辊的设计与制造 学生姓名: 朱福祥 学 号: 专  业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班  级: 2013级专升本2班 指导教师: 杜国臣 2015 年 05月 潍坊学院本科毕业设计 潍坊学院本科毕业设计 PAGE 1 摘 要 冷弯成型是通过顺序配置的多道次成型轧辊,把卷材、带材等金属板带不断地进行横向弯曲,以制成特定断面的型材。逐渐的,它成为一种节材、节能、高效的金属板料成型新工艺、新技术。近几年,冷弯型材产品作为重要的结构件在建筑、汽车制造、电子工业及机械制造业等许多领域得到了广泛的应用,其产品从普通的导轨、门窗等结构件到一些为特殊用途而制造的专用型材,类型极其广泛。 进入21世纪以来,CAD/CAM的应用,使得人机一体化设计理念得以形成,人工整合计算与计算机辅助设计相结合。针对潍坊华孚机械有限公司提出铁柜板冷弯设备轧辊的设计制造的课题;从工程实际出发,本文依据铁柜板截面参数,对冷弯设备中的成型道次、带坯宽度进行计算,应用COPRA2005软件进行辊花图的分析与生成,并且对轧辊各参数予以确定。依据轧辊的设计参数,制订出典型轧辊的加工工艺过程卡片和与其相对应的工序卡片,完成了轧辊的数控程序的编写,达到了轧辊从设计到生产加工的初衷。 关键字: 冷弯成型 轧辊设计 COPRA2005软件 工艺设计 ABSTRACT Roll forming is configured by the sequential multi-pass roll forming, sheet, strip metal plate with constant lateral bending, and it made a specific section of the profile.It is a sheet mental which is of material-saving,energy-saving and high- efficient forming a new process and new technology. In recent years, as an important structural components ,cold-formed profiles products has been widely used in the construction, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, electronics industry and machinery manufacturing industry and many other fields , and from the common rail, doors, windows and other structural parts to special profiles manufactured for special purposes, its type is of extremely broad. Since entering the 21st century, the application of CAD / CAM makes man-machine integration design concept can be formed, combining artificial integration of calculation and computer aided design. Hua Fu Machinery ?in Weifang. of steel plate cold bending roller equipment design and manufacture of subject; from the view of engineering practice, according to steel plate section parameters, for cold forming equipment of molding, with blank width calculation and application COPRA2005 software for roller diagram analysis and generation of and the parameters


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