
Studies on Translated TextsVersions 译文研究课程设计.ppt

Studies on Translated TextsVersions 译文研究课程设计.ppt

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Studies on Translated TextsVersions 译文研究课程设计.ppt

parataxis vs hypotaxis 意合指的是句中的词语或成分之间依靠内在语义联系和贯通相互衔接;而形合则指词语之间靠连接手段(连接词或关联词 conjunctions or connective words)起衔接作用。 Exercise: 以下这段文字若译成英语,需要加上哪些内容?为什么原文不需要这些内容而译文却需要? 雨是最寻常的,(它)一下就是三两天。(不过,你)可别恼,(你试向外边)看,(它正下着,它)像花针,(也)像细丝,(它那么)密密地斜织着,(以至于人家的)屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟。 故乡明月亮 故乡月亮明 月明亮故乡 明月亮故乡 Exercise 1. 不见不散 不卑不亢 不骄不躁 2. 思考题:汉英结构,逻辑关系有何不 同?汉语缺乏逻辑吗? Generally speaking, the lexical relationship between Chinese and English can be divided into the following types: (1) 词义相符(semantic correspondence) One-to-one relationship (meanings are overlapped 完全重叠关系) Restricted in number, mostly scientific and technical words e.g. Internet=国际互联网 光盘只读存储器=CD-ROM(compact disc read-only meaning) 酸雨=acid rain (2) 词义空缺(semantic zero) One-to-none relationship (无重叠关系) Mostly words concerning national culture e.g. salad red meat white meat 阴阳(in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc. yin and yang, the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive) (3) 词义相异 (semantic non-correspondence) Psudeo one-to-one relationship (假重叠关系):false friends (faux amis) e.g. heartman fat farm 黑书 白酒 (4) One-to-many or many-to-one relationship; many-to-many relationship (部分重叠关系) 大学 university 果品 fruit 总统 president 妻子 wife “送”: 邮递员送信。deliver 他送了我一本书。give 送他回家。send 送他回老家。Accompany him to his hometown./End his life. “送客!” 有人喊道。See the guest off. 他就这样莫名其妙地送了命。be killed 开学了,爷爷送他到小学校门口。Accompany 轻 light 轻快 brisk /light-hearted /lively 轻松 light/relaxed 轻柔 soft/gentle 江中垂钓 fishing (vertical fishing×) 高寒地区 alpine district(highly cold district×) 雅座 best room/private or comfortable corner (elegant seat×) 他有很强的事业心。He has a strong heart of career.× He is self-motivated and result-oriented. 在农村,庭院经济是很得人心的。The courtyard economy has won the hearts of the people.× The courtyard economy has the great support of the people/enjoy popular sympathy. 夜已很深了。The night is deep.×


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