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基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式研究基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙 基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式研究 基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙 遥感定量模式研究 专业: 地图学与地理信息系统 硕士生:王中挺 导师: 邓孺孺副教授 摘要 研究河口的悬浮泥沙浓度分布变化规律,对于滩涂的开发利用、河口规划、 港口工程的选址、港口建设、港湾环境的监测、航道的治理、环境保护、近岸水 产养殖开发等都具有重要意义。河口水域悬浮泥沙浓度分布受流场与潮汐的影 响,变化较大。因此,用常规方法实地测量泥沙浓度难以获取大范围面积内泥沙 浓度分布的情况,弗且速度慢、成本高。遥感数据具有观测周期短、同步性好的 特点。如何利用遥感数据反映水体信息,从而可以客观、快速的反映泥沙分布的 动态变化规律,是本次研究的目的所在。 本文主要研究水体反射光谱成像的物理过程。根据物理机制建立水体悬浮泥 沙含量与水体反射率之间的函数关系,用野外采样的高光谱数据对模型进行求解 和验证。根据泥沙动力学中的悬沙输运数学模型,给出水体表层含沙量与其垂向 含沙量浓度分布的关系,得出悬浮泥沙垂向浓度分布模型。 关键词:珠江口悬浮泥沙定量遥感垂向分布 基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式研究Quantitative 基于物理机制的河口悬浮泥沙遥感定量模式研究 Quantitative Analysis of Suspended Sediment in Zhujiang Estuary Based on Physical Model Major: CartologyGIS Name: Zhongting Wang Supervisor:Adjunct Prof.Rum Deng AbstraCt Studying the vertical concentrated distribution of suspended sediment,it is very important for the beach using,the estuary planning,the location of port engineering, the port building,the monitor of estuary environment,the river route controlling, environment protecting,the exploitation of aquiculture alongshore.The distribution of estuary suspended sediment is variety because of OCean tide.Therefore,if we survey the distribution of suspended sediment in estuary by the common method,it will be very dear and the speed will be slow.Remote Sense has some advances,such as the shorter of observing periods,the synchronization.How to get the water information with remote sense data,and then reflect the rule of suspended sediment distribution objective and immediately,is the object of this studying. This paper primarily studies the physieal process of water reflected spectrum.By the physical process,model the function relation between the content of suspended sediment and water reflectivity,and compute the model with the spectrum data that is collected outdoor.With the math model of suspended sediment in sediment dynamics, formulate the relation between the content of suspended sediment in the top of river water,and then build the model of the vertical concen


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