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摘要本文主要讨论了螽鬻弱瑁垒凝鹜像建立全聚漫游模篷豹闲熬。主黧王董管魏 摘要 本文主要讨论了螽鬻弱瑁垒凝鹜像建立全聚漫游模篷豹闲熬。主黧王董管魏 下: (1)煎眼图像的成像原理以及根据菇成像原理从鱼眼图像恢篾出实际场景图 像静箨法。 (2)鱼眼图像的轮廓提取的算法。貔们绘出了~种针对鱼眼潮像的特点使用 戮熬绞诗魏方法寒诗算鱼眼图像瓣嚣形鸯效送域熬霆心释半弪静算法,实验涯明 了我们掰绘出懿方法的爨确牲和W行悭。 (3)对薅堰淤相反方囱拍摄的鱼袋鞠像熬裙戗速域遴幸亍蠢我豹葵法。辩图像 稽酝隧竣翁查我一般是爝蓬豫医黼戆方法,毽该方法诗嚣整过大。凌识绘毒了一 种通过焱找差值图像的极值点来有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站棚似区域的方法。该方法计算量较小,而殿 精度也目E达到应用的要求。 (4)鱼限图像的几何畸变校戚。由予懒H匪镜泌制造过稳中产墩的误差蒋原因, 耩撩摄麴圈猿是秘疃交遴是毙较严羹熬,这辘产象了对象鞭翟豫逑行冗秘棱爰豹 阉瑟。貔粕提密了一静利嗣球面经纬线旗投对图像进行见秘校露的方法。 (§)交互式全景漫游懿其体舞瑷方法。 关键字:鱼眼图像;金瀑漫游;轮廓掇取#图像匹配;麓值匿像#几何畸变 AbstactIn Abstact In this paper,we mainly discuss how to use fish eye image to create environments of full view navigation。Our main work is as following: (1)The theory of generating fish eye image and the algorithm for recovering original scene images from fish eye image according this theory. (2)The algorithm for contour retrieval of fish eye image。According the peculiarity of fish eye image、we introduce an algorithm for calculating the center and radius of the circular region in the fish eye image,which use the method of calculating the area of the circular region. (3)The algorithm for searching the similar region of two fish eye image taken along inverse direction.The existing algorithm for searching the similar region is generally image matching,but the computation amount is tOO much。We design an algorithm for searching the similar region by scanning the extreme value of minus image{which cost less in computation amount and can satisfy the requirement of application in precision. (4)The algorithm for correcting the geometrical distortion of fish eye image.Because of the aberration of fish eye lens resulting from fabrication procedure,there exists serious geometrical distortion, 详hich arises the problem of correcting the fish eye image。We give the algorithm which use spherical template with altitudes and longitudes to correct the image。 2 (5)The (5)The algorithm for implementing interactive full view navigation。 Keywords:Fish eye image:Full view navigation;Contour retrieval:Image ma


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