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4000 雅思 (学术)词汇
abandon: lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm
abandonment: giving up completely; freedom from constraint
abbreviation: shortening something by omitting parts of it
abeyance: suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension
abide: endure; put up with; bear; tolerate
ability: capacity; skill
abnormal: unusual; not typical; not normal
aboard: on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle; in or into a group, organization, or business
abolish: cancel; put an end to; destroy completely
abolition: ending; act of abolishing; act of doing away with
abortion: termination of pregnancy; failure of a plan
abortive: unsuccessful; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless
abridge: condense; shorten; reduce length of written text
abrogate: abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority
abrupt: broken off; very steep; having sudden transitions from one subject to another
absence: state of being absent; state of being away
absent: go away or leave ; missing; not present
absolute: perfect in quality or nature; complete; totally unlimited; certain
absolutely: utterly; definitely
absorb: assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; occupy full attention
absorption: process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion; state of mental
abstract: theoretical; not concrete; not applied or practical; difficult to understand
absurd: preposterous; ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable; foolish
absurdity: quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or
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