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- PAGE I - 本科毕业设计 (20 届) 超声波流量计测试及修正系统 所在学院 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 PAGE I 摘 要 【摘要】高精度,便携式超声波流量计是各个仪表公司竞争研发的目标。想要在严峻的市场上占得优势,除了要研发出高性能的流量计外,还需要加快研发进度,缩短研发时间。 本课题设计的超声流量计测试及修正系统是以用户需求为导向,针对各水表流量计开发公司、厂商在开发测试软件过程中所面临的数据接收及处理等问题而开发的测试修正系统。该系统能迅速、准确的获取超声波流量计中的数据,并分别计算出瞬时流量和累计流量的误差、重复性等性能参数,同时将得到的数据绘制成曲线图实时显示。该系统能极大的缩短测试过程,提高研发速度。在流量计标定上,能方便的得到修正系数,在较短时间内就能对产品进行修正。 【关键词】标定;重复性计算;超声波流量计;修正 Abstract 【ABSTRACT】Portable and high-precision ultrasonic flowmeter is a competitive researching and developing product of every instrument and meter company. Apart from developing high performance flowmeter, quickening and shortening the process of research and development is a key to occupying large market share. Oriented by the needs of customers, the test and correction system of the ultrasonic flowmeter designed in this paper is developed to solve problems provided by water flowmeter companies and plants in the process of developing test softwares, such as receiving and processing data. The system can collect the data from ultrasonic flowmeter quickly and accurately, and compute the performance parameters respectively such as error and repeatability of instantaneous flow rate and accumulative total flow, meanwhile it can draw curve graph simultaneously on the screen. Besides, the system can greatly shorten the test process and improve research and development. In the aspect of flowmeter Calibration, correction coefficients can be gained conveniently so that the products can be corrected in a short time. 【KEYWORDS】calibration; repeatability; ultrasonic flowmeter; correction 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293678775 题目:(中文)超声波流量计测试及修正系统 PAGEREF _Toc293678775 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293678776 (英文)Ultrasonic Flowmeter Test and Correction System PAGEREF _Toc293678776 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293678777 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc293678777 \h II HYPERLINK \l


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